
Jun 02, 2011 14:21

I have new people watching. That is very cool. Hello to you all. I am currently sort of, kind of, but not really on hiatus until I return to college in the fall, so things might get a little slower than normal here until then. Apologies. Anyway, I had this recs post I intended to post here before I left, but I didn't make it, and I had other things I wanted to add to it I think, but the links are on my other computer, unfortunately. Still, I have a few things to rec and if you haven't seen them before, that's awesome. If you like it, leave a comment, too. Writers and artists love that shit.


a season of notus by Cassandra_leeds.
Sam/Castiel, Sam/Jimmy // R // Author’s Summary: After Castiel's unexplained and sudden departure, Sam is left to pick up the pieces with a man he doesn't know.

It’s no secret I have a real love for this pairing and yeah I can see potential for angst all over it, but I don’t really think of Castiel just leaving them for some reason. Except I guess he kind of did leave them for a while what with not coming when he was called and all. Anyway, I liked the idea of this, how Sam and Jimmy would maybe be drawn to each other if Castiel ever just disappeared. Sam because of Castiel and Jimmy just because he’s lonely and there’s something there and he can‘t ever go home to his family. It’s a cool idea and it was really sad and pretty. I thought she wrote the characters well and the writing was really good.

An Honest Mistake by paxlux.
Sam/Dean // R // Author’s Summary: They've seen some unbelievable things.

I believe this is first in a series, which I have not read all of, only this one so far. This one was really great, though, so I think the series is worth checking out. I liked the atmosphere of this, which this author is always fantastic at building from the work of hers that I have read. This is a really good blending of plot with character study and angst and yeah, wincest, which I loved. It flowed really well to me without just giving everything away, slowly giving it as the story went on. There’s also really good tension between the brothers and this quiet kind of conflict because of their relationship and how they both are. I am fairly certain the story can also be found on her LJ if you would prefer to read it there, but I came upon it on A03 so that’s the link I’ve got here.


Give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright by cafe-de-labeill.
Dean/Castiel // PG I think

Seriously beautiful artwork. The coloring and the light and I love her style, of course. It’s wonderful and sad. I love the details she puts into her work, too, like the crying angel statue in the background and the flowers, those little dots of light that suggest dew. I can’t help thinking after the way the show was going toward the end, though, that Dean probably did it. Probably that’s me and how I view what is going on in canon right now, though. I do wish she would sometimes do other pairings, too, because I love her art so much.

Hope you find something you like. Ta-ta for now.

pairing: dean/castiel, pairing: sam/castiel, fan art: supernatural, pairing: sam/jimmy, fan fic: supernatural, pairing: sam/dean

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