Author's Note: It started as a joke on a very nice baseball site called McCovey Chronicles. It's hard not to notice that Pat Burrell and Aubrey Huff are pretty close. They're damn good friends, the kind we all need in life. But what if they were something more?
That's the premise of the story. It's the happy-angsty-schmoopy-dastardly-pathetic-and-back-to-happy story of two men brought together and nearly torn apart by the sport they love.
Ain't that always the way?
Some acknowledgments are in order.
fordandfitzroy was instrumental in getting this story off the ground. I never knew a mainstream baseball blog would be populated with so many slash fans, but I'm extremely grateful for their presence and their encouragement through this odd little effort.
Funding for this story was provided in part by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and contributions to your local station from readers like you.
I'm kidding. It's a PBS joke.
Home Runs and Western Suns
Part One: Like the AcropolisPart Two: Southland BluesPart Three: The Huff/Burrell Uncertainty PrinciplePart Four: The Denial TwistPart Five: The Gulfs May Wash Us DownPart Six: To the Four Winds