application: soul_campaign

Feb 11, 2011 10:51


Player Name: Ri
Age: 25
Timezone: GMT -7
Personal Journal: corndogs
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: mysexymum @ AIM
Current Characters: Ryotaro Dojima (Persona 4)


Name: Sollux Captor
Age: 6 Alternian solar sweeps, or the equivalent of 13 Earth years
Gender: Male
Fandom: Homestuck (webcomic/epic gif. saga)
Timeline: Chilling on the hornpile with Feferi (LINK HERE)
History: The Wiki page.

Character Personality:

You fail to become Sollux Captor. Sollux Captor is too chill for that. He's a too-cool kind of dude, the sort that you just can't be at any old given time. Cool dudes like him are unbound by the laws of normalcy, and can't just be assumed like that. Cool dudes like him also happen to have a lot more going on behind the scenes than is first indicated, and Sollux has all that plus a whole lot more. That's how cool Sollux Captor is.

As stated, he's a pretty chill guy. Laid-back even. He's so cool he's on fire. Sick fires man. So sick they're hot. That's how cool--


Right. Guys like Sollux Captor don't need much of an introduction, but he'll get one anyway. First impressions are the ones that stick the most, after all, and Sollux often leaves a fairly big one behind. He's the sort of guy most people want to be associated with, whether good or bad. He's a hacker after all, of the TOTALLY SICK genus, and he knows more than his share of codes (all the codes, all of them) and a little bit more. He's the one others tend to turn to for help, technologically and otherwise, and he's the kind to lend that hand when it's needed. (Not without his share of grumbling and complaint, as to be expected.) Why wouldn't they? He's a smart guy, savvy with his programming and computational skills and intelligent to boot. He even slapped together a PRETTY IMPORTANT GAME from excavated and antiquated data, and for a guy his age, that's pretty impressive work indeed. You can expect a fair share of cockiness stemming from these MAD SKILLS, and you will not be disappointed. He's a cocky guy all around, with some wry dryness tossed in for good measure. A little ironic, perhaps, and with enough crass and attitude in supply for two of him. He's sarcastic when the situation calls for it and cynical right when needed. In fact, some consider him to be A BIT OF A DICK. And they would be right in thinking so. Quick of words and wit, you'd think he'd be the life of every party, right?



You can't be the life of the party, because Sollux Captor doesn't do parties. He's too cool for that sort of thing, and he kind of prefers to keep to himself over the inane social interaction that such shindigs provide, thank you very much. Such cool dudes can only be the most introverted sort, and Sollux is just that. It's not that he's a loner or anything of the sort, never; he has enough friends to dispel that nasty little notion. He just has a bit of a time expressing things like FEELINGS and EMOTIONS, which could attest to the DICKISH ATTITUDE he often adopts. He is also KIND OF SENSITIVE when it comes to personal and private matters, whether they be centered on relationships or his own short-comings. (Of which, so he believes, there are many to choose from.) Sometimes, he's pretty sensitive to the point of DEFENSIVENESS. One of his earlier conversations with a friend can attest to it:

TA: what do you mean.
TA: ok that2 ju2t 2ome per2onal priivate emotiional ii22ue2 and iim dealiing wiith that, and hone2tly iid appreciiate you not alway2 throwiing that iin my face every goddamn opportuniity you get.
TA: liike thii2 ii2 a biig ciircu2 act two you, and that ii2 your 2peciial clown piie.
GC: S33, GOD

You see what we mean?


It doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon. Sollux Captor is a really touchy dude, the same way he's just cool and all hotshit at the same time. It comes with the territory. He's got a little SELF-DEPRICATION to go with all that cool and touchiness for a little bit of balance; it all works out. He's pretty prone to beating himself up over things for NO GOOD REASON, even if he is kind of APESHIT BANANAS at the things he does. It's not that he doesn't acknowledge his own skills and talents, it's just that the INCREDIBLY SUDDEN MOODSWINGS can make things a little sticky at the best of times. See, he's a little on the bipolar side, cycling through emotions and mindsets much like the way a lottery machine cycles through tantalizing symbols depicting differing prize amounts. (And not always landing on the right combo, no less. (This is also a pretty shitty analogy but IT SUMS IT UP.))

While he is a pretty chill dude, Sollux is also pretty damn quick to anger under the right circumstances. He's been known to flip between SNARLING FURY to COOL LIKE A CUCUMBER and back again at the drop of a hat. It's pretty impressive so long as you're not on the receiving end of a tirade or another. He's not the kind of guy to take it easy when he's on a roll, and he PULLS NO PUNCHES when he really gets riled. He's positively aggressive when provoked, rising to bait and challenges with ALL THE FURY of a moody 6 sweep old troll. The nature of his species doesn't help much on that front, being HORRENDOUSLY VIOLENT as it isIt provides for his fair share of hot-headedness, and the spark for a good many of the brash decisions he makes on regular occasion.


You bet. Sollux Captor is a hasty kind of guy beside being unbelievably cool and totally chill. It makes for a bit of a paradox, but that's what cool dudes do. Sometimes he DOESN'T REALLY THINK THINGS THROUGH before acting (slicing both his Strife Specibus and a section of a BEEHOUSE MAINFRAME in a brief fit of exhibitionism, for instance), and much the same goes for speaking. It tends to go well with his VOLATILE TEMPER, resulting in many an argument or catty conversation with a good number of his friends and acquaintances. They seem to have already accepted this facet of his personality as just SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS, just as TROLL ADOLESCENCE just happens.

And he is just that; an adolescent, a kid on the very cusp of sexual maturity, if you will. This also seems to carry some weight, more than even human maturity. For trolls, coming of age is KIND OF A BIG THING in their culture. It's the time when they prepare to fully enter TROLL SOCIETY, which is a pretty rough experience by all standards, or so it's implied. The weak are culled and the unfit hunted down and the entire societal set-up is done in such a way that survival of the fittest is strongely encouraged. As if that weren't enough, there's the BLOOD CASTE SYSTEM in place to make things even more tricky, rank and social order organized and divided solely on the colour of a troll's blood. In Sollux's case, this places him pretty low on the hemospectrum and the societal ladder indeed. He's not bound by the same societal standards and expectations as those higher up in the classes as him, but it still makes for some tough times. He gets ALL THE DISDAIN from the higher-bloods, talents and abilities or no. Pretty rough there.


You can't, because as much as Sollux Captor may seem like the image of adolescent maturity, he's not quite. Societal pressures and cultural influences aside, he truly is your TYPICAL TEENAGER. Dark moods and fatalism can only mask it for so long. He has his immature moments, his moments of short temper and shorter attention span. He's as prone to leaping to conclusions and into arguments as much as the next youth his age, flailing and insulting away with reckless abandon for as long as the mood lasts. Insecurty is no stranger to him either, whether it be about his blood colour, relationships, or the ever-volatile state of his friendships. (Read: Karkat Vantas.) He's awkward around people he may like, and even more awkward when it comes to those sticky things called FEELINGS, experiencing no less trouble in expressing himself as the next schlub over. (Not that he places too much importance on the matter, unlike others in his party.) Sure, he's a little on the bitter side thanks to the visions of doom granted to him by his dreams and the voices in his head (warnings gone ignored for the most part until it was too late), but he's still something of an annoying kid every now and again. He used to joke around a lot before things went down, trolling and pestering and being an all-around annoyance like all high-energy smart-asses, and not all of that is gone just yet. He's still just a kid, serious life-or-death matters aside, and he still shows some care for those he would call his friends. What kind of cool kid would he be if he didn't stand up for his best friends every now and again?

TL;DR Sollux Captor is an insufferable prick, but he means well underneath all that dour dickishness. Really.

Character Abilities: Sollux is a neat bunch of tricks rolled into one neat, mutant bipedal package. Unlike the rest of his companions (and most everyone else in the series), he has no need of Strife Specibi, and he even makes a point of such by destroying his early on. A psionic of his level has no need of any particular Specibus, of course, instead relying on his powers to make deadly projectiles of almost anything particularly sharp and pointy. Even then, he has no real need of actual physical weapons. As is shown in later battles, he can emit high-energy blasts from his eyes, blasts of such strength that he once took out half his respiteblock with a wayward beam. In the last battle in his group's session of Sgrub, he's even shown to be using his ability to redirect meteors back at the black king, which is NO MEAN FEAT INDEED.

When he's not busy kicking ass and taking names, Sollux is granted visions of impending doom and armageddon. He's no typical sightless prophet, though, being granted VISION TWOFOLD, sight of the present and of the future. He also hears the psychic voices of the IMMINENTLY DECEASED, a racket that never really stops on his most violent of planets. It can be pretty harrowing.

Psionics and freaky mutant mind powers aside, Sollux is a pretty handy guy around computers. He's a top-notch programmer, and he knows all the codes. All of them. This can range from codes beneficial to a system right down to viruses that, when run, could cause the user's computer to explode and a curse placed on them and their species. Really, this is some pretty heavy stuff. He's the one who repaired a majority of the computers that the other trolls used up in that meteor laboratory of theirs, and he's also the one who patched together the Sgrub game session from data and information that a friend presented him with. Also no mean feat. Let's not forget his ability to trace wire transfers into other separate Sgrub/Sburb sessions, as well as the addresses of Peculiar And Omniescent Fellows Somewhere In The Universe. (Regardless of whether they actually use a chat client/network at all.)

Other than being a computer whiz and powerful psionic ( the unchallenged authority on APICULTURE NETWORKING and all that), Sollux is also a gamer, adept at growing his own game grubs to pirating them at will. He also raises bees, and produces a particular sort of honey with which to feed his lusus, and maintains their BEEHOUSE MAINFRAMES for his computing usage.

He can also see in 3D. (Well, probably not, but his usual glasses would make for neat impromptu 3D goggles when needed.)

Character Weaknesses: Can you say DEBILITATING BIPOLAR MOODSWINGS? Everyone else sure can. He gets them on (frequent) occasion, using the opportunity to BEAT HIMSELF UP OVER THINGS a bit before someone can [annoy] snap him out of it. He's got the whole self-deprication thing down to a tee. He is also SORT OF BAD at things like keeping his temper in check, thinking before he acts and speaks, and keeping positive in general. He tends to take offhand comments VERY PERSONALLY, and he's often SENSITIVE TO A FAULT. This is all, of course, purely dependent on his mood and just how tolerant he's feeling at any given moment.

He's also somewhat morbid about his mortality, thanks to those aforementioned VISIONS OF IMPENDING DOOM. And let's not forget his difficulties in expressing those tricky things called EMOTIONS and FEELINGS.

Other than the mind honey bit, he's good. (Mind honey; produced in BEEHOUSE MAINFRAMES and normally fed to his lusus to keep the big brute quiet, it also has pretty ADVERSE EFFECTS on him when eaten. NEVER EAT THE MIND HONEY.)


Why your character should be a Meister: It's all in the mind-set, and Sollux's isn't one that allows for a lot of tomfoolery. He goes his own way and does his own thing, and once he feels that he doesn't want to follow a certain course of action, he just doesn't. A rebel? Not quite, but he enjoys his freedom of will well enough. He's an independent kind of guy, relying on little else but his own abilities to pull himself through a fight. Unlike the rest of his companions and fellow SGRUB players, he's the only one of the lot without an actual Strife Specibus, citing that he doesn't need one due to his high-level psionic strength. (Telekinesis of a strength that could even return meteors to their source, pretty dandy huh?) He keeps to himself and depends on just that; himself. Suffice to say he can hold his own when the need arises, and while it was largely his abilities that allowed him to utilize virtually anything as a viable weapon, taking those psionic skills away isn't likely to change his outlook much.

He's a stubborn guy after all; he'll find a way.

Meister Ability: Clairvoyance


Soul Description: stubborn, focused, introverted, independent, arrogant, cool.

Soul Appearance: A nice mellow yellow hue, reminiscent of a lemon or manila folder, well rounded with one blue left eye and one red right eye. Besides the signature soul wisp at the very top, his also sports two sets of horns much like his own, and a neat little set of teeth to complete the look. The expression is normally pretty dry, if not downright apathetic. A chill and cool dude soul. Aw yeah.

He's a troll.
He speaks in a lisp.
He's the Mage of Doom in his session of SGRUB.
Did I mention he speaks in a lisp?
He has also never spoken to a human before, unlike the rest of the remaining trolls.

!application, !soul campaign, !ooc

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