Fic: Shake the Stars Down (3/many)

Mar 12, 2011 08:13

Title: Shake the Stars Down (Part 3)
Author: nocookiesjustbooks 2nd2ndalto
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose (Mickey, Jackie, Pete)
Rating: PG this section
Disclaimer: BBC owns everything, obviously.
Summary: She's numb, at first.
Author's Notes: Set post-Doomsday. Many thanks to iluvmusicals for the beta.
... )

shake the stars down, fic

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Comments 16

earlgreytea68 March 12 2011, 15:16:54 UTC
Stories about Rose immediately post-DD are always so difficult to read. This one is very well done. I love the gaps in her memory, and then the moment at the end where her Rose-ish determination shines through.


2nd2ndalto March 12 2011, 15:37:58 UTC
Thank you. I know - poor Rose. Even though I imagine her coping better than the Doctor, she's really gotten the short(er) end of the stick in a way.


spellweaver731 March 12 2011, 16:24:00 UTC
THIS! This is what I love about Rose. The Doctor mopes about, being useless but Rose gets up and puts on her determined face and gets shit done. I love her heartbreak and her resolve. You've captured her very well here. I can't wait for more.


2nd2ndalto March 12 2011, 16:36:39 UTC
Thank you! This is what I love about Rose, too.


kellywiag March 12 2011, 19:39:58 UTC
The are Brilliant!!!
I STILL after all these years have difficulty reading about Doomsday. Maybe I should look into getting some kind of therapy? hmmm

Fantasticly written and I can't wait for more.


2nd2ndalto March 12 2011, 19:48:03 UTC
I STILL after all these years have difficulty reading about Doomsday.

Hah! Apparently I can write about it, but I still can't watch it. When I was fact-checking for this fic, I had to use transcripts instead of actually re-watching the episode. Group therapy? :)


professor_spork March 12 2011, 21:13:03 UTC
Oh, Rose. Oh, my precious girl.

This is so heart-breakingly accurate. I can't even.


2nd2ndalto March 12 2011, 22:22:34 UTC
Thank you! Poor Rose.


angel_b33 March 12 2011, 23:23:22 UTC
Great chapter! As I lie in my sickbed, mopping my own fevered brow, this fic made me happy. Maybe because I can feel the hope and see Rose and Mickey and these huge grins, with something to look forward to.


2nd2ndalto March 13 2011, 12:16:00 UTC
Aww - hope you feel better. Thanks for commenting.


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