Title: Sun Soakin' Bulges in the Shade
sherlockellyPairing: Evgeni Nabokov/Douglas Murray
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Real people, fake story.
Author's Note: Wrote this for
revuko at some point this past year, lol. I never posted it, but my muse has been suffering lately and I thought maybe posting this would help?
Evgeni padded into the bedroom in only his underwear... )
Comments 6
Totally didn't realize this was posted. Need to check 2m4s more often! Real review after homework
oh and I hope your muse feels better soon :(
i liked how you made douglas the neat freak, i guess i usually peg nabby as the uptight one. i enjoyed the switch ;) more fruity porn please. yeah, i said it.
I've never seen it summed up better!
And anything that relates sex and food is usually a huge turn off for me, so well done!!
Please say that it doesn't just end there... :O
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