Title: Open up (Part 2) Characters/pairing: Phil Kessel/Matt Hunwick; Kessel/unknown Rating: NC-17 Time: 2008/09 season Summary: Kessel shares something with Hunwick. Disclaimer: A fictional story, told only for entertainment purposes.
y'know, it kinda makes sense to me, kes being my favorite slut with a dubious past like this. part of me feels like he wouldn't know any better, and things with matt could get really sweet in a hurry if matty can coax him through dealing with some of that, maybe. or, hey, maybe kes got it off his chest and that's that. ;D either way, i want to cuddle him. (aww, kes.)
on a lighter note: love kes fixating on matty's curls. I AGREE. also, hee, i feel like the look on kes's face looking out the plane window is the same as his "i hate breakfast" face. ;D
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Wonderfully written.
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y'know, it kinda makes sense to me, kes being my favorite slut with a dubious past like this. part of me feels like he wouldn't know any better, and things with matt could get really sweet in a hurry if matty can coax him through dealing with some of that, maybe. or, hey, maybe kes got it off his chest and that's that. ;D either way, i want to cuddle him. (aww, kes.)
on a lighter note: love kes fixating on matty's curls. I AGREE. also, hee, i feel like the look on kes's face looking out the plane window is the same as his "i hate breakfast" face. ;D
eagerly awaiting more, as per always. ;D
(Gotta work that breakfast thing in sometime LOL.)
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