Title: Savard's Choice (1/4) Pairing/characters: Marc Savard/Phil Kessel; Vladimir Sobotka Rating: NC-17 Summary: Kessel comes back into Savard's life. Time: Training camp 2008 Disclaimer: Fictional story, no truth whatsoever.
LOL - well, Phil isn't evil, exactly... just looking for a good time, as always. ;-) He hasn't had Marc's life experiences, so he really can't relate to this inner turmoil thing. Perhaps he will, in time. Or maybe not. ;-)
Wow, I can't wait for more! Even though I generally tend to stay in the realm of Sabres, I love the pairing of Phil/Savard. Maybe because Marc Savard is made of awesomeness?
I want to know what decision Marc will make...a threesome would be hot, but I have a feeling that he'd be slanting his attention - maybe physically - towards Phil, because all he can see in his mind is Vladmir.
Maybe. Maybe not. Marc is being pulled in several different directions here. (And I agree, he is awesome. hee.) I foresee some torture ahead, poor lad.
i love the twist here that the forbidden isn't really forbidden - just keep it in the bruins family, eh? - but that savvy's heart says hey, whoa, no. kes is all over temptation, and it's only wrong because savvy is actually in love - and not with kes.
see how complicated things get when you fall in love? silly savvy.
srsly, though, i love the layers at work here, the heat of the unwanted (?) moment, the sting of the mess kes makes. i love the juxtaposition of how lightly kes takes everything with how srsly savvy takes it.
Of course the real problem, though Savvy has yet to discover it, isn't love, it's his refusal to surrender himself to it. And of course, to learn a true lesson, you have to suffer...
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Thanks so much for commenting. :-)
I want to know what decision Marc will make...a threesome would be hot, but I have a feeling that he'd be slanting his attention - maybe physically - towards Phil, because all he can see in his mind is Vladmir.
I'm most likely completely off, though. (:
And thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying. :-)
see how complicated things get when you fall in love? silly savvy.
srsly, though, i love the layers at work here, the heat of the unwanted (?) moment, the sting of the mess kes makes. i love the juxtaposition of how lightly kes takes everything with how srsly savvy takes it.
so glad there's more ...
Of course the real problem, though Savvy has yet to discover it, isn't love, it's his refusal to surrender himself to it. And of course, to learn a true lesson, you have to suffer...
A nice intro, and I can smell trouble a mile away!
Oh yeah, trouble certainly brewing here. ;-)
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