Title: Revelations
Characters/Pairing: Marc Savard/Vladimir Sobotka; Zdeno Chara, Marco Sturm, Shawn Thornton, Milan Lucic
Time: April 2008
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: Sobotka and Savard get frisky; Thornton gets crazy; Chara gets pissed; Sturm gets philosophical; and Lucic gets right to the point
Disclaimer: Total fiction, of course
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Comments 9
so yeah... more? like... by the time i get out of work today? *puppy eyes*
More to come, I promise, but at the moment, Vladimir and Marc seem to be begging for my attention. I think Shawn's going to have to stew (so to speak) a bit more for now. ;-)
i do love poor shawn, since the rug has been pulled out from under him. chara taking charge of the situation - "you didn't see anything, got it?" - is awesome, as is sturm coming through as the voice of reason. shawn all discombobulated is particularly great against the background of everyone else being so cool, and, of course, savvy & sobotka kissing in the shadows at the garden? YESPLZ.
I love Chara too in this instance, so intimidating and frightening yet so In Control. I have a feeling if he ever REALLY lost it, the result would be truly terrifying.
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