Title: Tell Me Lies
Pairing: Thomas Vanek/Derek Roy (Buffalo Sabres) - Ryan Miller is in here too, but he is a supporting character.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Do not own any of them. Wish I did, but then again, owning people is not cool.
Previous parts: Continuation of this:
Silent Night (
Story time. )
Comments 9
Lovely writing, as always. <3
Thank yooooou! ♥
That was so lovely! So gorgeous! I loved! :D
Oh, just out of curiosity, who's Ryan's lil ex? O.o
Thank yoooou! <3
Also, I'm glad someone finally asked me that. xD You're the first one, too! Ryan's ex just happens to be Danny.
You're so very welcome, darling! You know I possess nothing but adoration for you and your fic! :D
Ah, but you know why I was the first one right? Because I had a little speculation that it might be my lovely little Dannyboy and I was hoping you'd prove me right.
Thanks for doing that, btw. *hms* Perhaps we should collaborate to tell the story you imply there? ;)
I think doing a collaboration would be awesome! *smiles* I haven't done a collaboration in such a long time - I wouldn't mind attempting at one, again.
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