Title: Five Times the Team Found Out
revukoPairing: Evgeni Nabokov / Douglas Murray; San Jose Sharks
Rating: Mostly PG-13, mentions of sex.
Disclaimer: Real people, fake story.
Summary: Same as title.
A/N: Same as
this universe. And be aware of the fluff.
The NHL isn’t exactly a private place )
Comments 17
oh, oh! and this!
He watches their expressions for a while; like any good captain he can read emotion and body language. Christina thinks it’s strange when he can tell what she’s feeling before she says it, but he knows it makes him better at leading a team. It’s not all about on-ice presence and a loud, booming voice.
AHHHH. yes! patty, you will always be my captain :)
i do not have an appropriate icon for this story! so nabby in a hat it is.
Isn't the fluff so much that you're drowning in it? IT'S KIND OF A LOT. If these boys aren't actually doing it, I will be very very surprised. Because even they should realize how perfect they are together.
andandand I don't know what else to say.
oh, and I love your face.
andandand...come to la&phx with me.
you edited your comment, i love your face too. and kelly's, even though i've never seen it. i'm sure i'd love it because you both created this masterpiece.
i have to go to bed so i can be and amazing house tomorrow in the halloween parade lol. why is my life so ridiculous?!
I'm thinking this is as doubtful as it was 20 minutes ago? :( sadly.
ughhhh going to bed? and leaving me as I should have been going to bed an hour ago? lame
*a better comment to come when i dont have the flu and when i dont feel like death.
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