Last night, I got a package in the mail. I'd bought some BPAL imps from
thewaywardrose and the combined postal service of the US and Canada decided to get them to me before Xmas. Yea! To make things even better, she included some extras for me since one that I'd wanted went to someone else and another developed legs and wandered off on her before she could
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Comments 27
Too bad 07-Ghost does nothing for your writing muses. I would've loved to have seen some fic from you there :( Still, I should get around to rewatching that just to drool over Frau. So far the only fanfic I've found in that series is written by 14 year old girls. Eeeewwwww. Just. No. Bleh.
I hope you get out at half a day tomorrow. Four day weekends are much too rare to give up. *hugs*
Have you tried rebooting your router? Oh. You don't have one? How about trying it anyway to get your connection going smoother? Did you try rebooting your desktop/tower? How about your browser? It's probably your browser, not anything to do with their side of the fence. *ducks and runs*
Yeah, I feel your pain. Every time I have to call our ISP, I inevitably get an idiot who doesn't have a clue and thinks, just because I don't have a dick, I also don't have a brain. I hope you get yours fixed soon! *hugs*
You're not the first person who has asked/expressed remorse that 07 Ghost doesn't make me wanna write something. *laughs* Just for shits and giggles, who would you pair up with Frau?
One time when I called Bell, I got this dude on the other end who, I swear, had an accent you needed a chainsaw to get through. While the overall service we get is good, I have had to call enough over the past 5-6 years to retain some bits of information about what to try to fix it myself. Gee, imagine that.
Hmmmm. Castor/Frau would be very interesting, although Frau with anyone would be soooo pretty! *drools* There is talk about a season 2 but I'm not holding my breath. The place where they stopped is a good one, but there is so much more to be shown. I think I might need to get into the manga to get the answers :(
Comcast is not much better although I do tend to get a native English speaker sometimes. The men I talk to inevitably think I know absolutely nothing even after I tell them all the things I've already tried, they make me go through it all again -- just to make sure. Then, when that doesn't work they try other things. *rolls eyes*
Regardless of male or females answering the phones at Bell, they make me go through all their steps. it wouldn't be so annoying if I didn't already tell them what I've done right at the beginning of the damn call.
Have a great Christmas!
At work, Lisa & Lisa listen to Lady Gaga and all that mainstream pop stuff. *gag* Drives me nuts when I forget my iPod.
(Still saying "Thanks" for introducing me to most of my iPod collection! Even two or three years later! :D)
Void Malign by Grendel
I also have all of their Inhuman Amusement album and a few random tunes as well.
I'll see if the mood strikes me to do that 07 Ghost fic. No guarantees....
BPAL has some really nice stuff. I'm quite pleased so far with what I bought (just on the sniff test of the vial). I REALLY like Incubus and Serpents Kiss, too.
The 07 Ghost anime is imminently more slashable than the manga, but I actually like the manga better. Though I think some of the additions they did to the anime are wonderful. I wish they wouldn't do an anime half way through the manga like that, it always feels so unfinished.
07 Ghost was really quite good. I haven't read the manga, but I was entertained by the anime.
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