Title: Real Life Friends Characters: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden (EstoniaxUrkaine if you squint) Rating: PG Summary: Estonia is touched when his brothers and friends visit for his birthday
aww that was a very sweet end. and wow, try to be more of a shut-in, estonia, but it is so like him. you got it right on. poor ukraine and latvia :( tried so hard.
Sweden bringing Estonia a new table every year makes for a hilarious mental image, NGL! (Though I found Ukraine being unable to make a sweater properly to be a little throwing - a female nation of her age and of her traditions would make that unlikely :'D)
Thanks (I understand what you mean, I suppose the way it worked in my mind was that she didn't know Estonia's measurements so made her best guesses which made for kind of a poor sweater -could've made that clearer though definitely-)
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