Trade Log I [0-200]

Jun 18, 2009 18:28

10/06/08 - Traded Dragon07 for Unlucky05 with card spirit alana (200)

10/05/08 - Traded Materia19 for Cherry14 with eevelyn (199)
Traded Money19 for Money08 with ms_poptart (198)
Traded Zero05, Pizza08 for Hosts09 with inanefreeloader (197)
Traded Forget07, Forget13 for Mafia05 with mithanimboo (196)

10/04/08 - Traded Honey20 for Count06 with taynis (195)
Traded Thunder19 for Persocom11 with naominzk (194)
Traded Nervous02 for Honey20 with mmrobitussin (193)

10/03/08 - Traded Sister01 for Count19 with rashiea (192)
Traded Axe12, Axe15 for Nervous18, Straight01 with mobiuswolf (190 + 191)

10/02/08 - Traded Plushie06, Four13 for Hosts06 with xx_lotus_xx (189)
Traded Stalker14, Hikikomori14 for Design11, Design18 with ukiyuki (187 + 188)

10/01/08 - Traded Jellopy63, Jellopy73 for Nervous02, Hikikomori14 with ms_poptart (185 + 186)
Traded Crimson12 for Persocom08 with ukiyuki (184)
Traded Puzzle17 for Stalker14 with eevelyn (183)

09/30/08 - Traded Catcher07 for Nervous10 with sumeragi_sei (182)
Exchanged Hosts08 for Catcher07
Traded Shark07, Lucky09 for Hosts04 with sumeragi_sei (181)
Traded Underage09, Lost05 for Unlucky14, Perfect08 with bonafide_nocta (179 + 180)

09/29/08 - Traded Heist09 for Forget09 with royalbk (178)

09/28/08 - Traded Queen09, Short10 for Hosts05 with shadow_desires (177)
Traded Data15 for Count01 with rashiea (176)

09/27/08 - Traded Honey06 for Straight20 with taynis (175)
Traded Curse09 for Honey06 with shikumo (174)
Traded Ainu09 for Design15 with stuffedpanda (173)
Traded Axe02 for Nervous13 with mobiuswolf (172)

09/26/08 - Traded Hat14 for Persocom17 with sumeragi_sei (171)
Traded Dolls20 for Cherry16 with bonafide_nocta (170)

09/25/08 - Traded Princess01 for Money11 with sumeragi_sei (169)

09/24/08 - Traded Irony20 for Nervous08 with miken_chan (168)
Traded Pokedex61, Pokedex147 for Gemini18, Gemini19 with kaurin (166 + 167)
Traded Despair14, Despair17, Positive05 and Smile18 for Hosts01, Hosts15 with ukiyuki (164 + 165)
Traded Prodigy18, Heist16 for Hosts03 with shikumo (163)
Traded Heist07 for Axe02 with royalbk (162)
Traded Cow06 for Perfect12 with inanefreeloader (161)

09/23/08 - Exchanged Dust10, Jailbait19 for Rabbit09
Traded Rabbit09 for Chopin17 with rashiea (160)
Traded Cuffs10 for Lancelot15 with bonafide_nocta (159)
Traded Lancelot04 for Lancelot16 with ukiyuki (158)

09/22/08 - Traded Maou04 for Cow06 with ms_poptart (157)
Traded Ghosts08 for Persocom02 with bottledenigma (156)
Traded Resist16 for Nervous04 with azurial (155)

09/21/08 - Traded Milk09 for Design05 with stuffedpanda (154)
Traded Thorn14 for Peace12 with inanefreeloader (153)

09/20/08 - Traded Pyro11 for Persocom15 with bonafide_nocta (152)

09/19/08 - Traded Disney19 for Design01, Count04 with eevelyn (151)
Traded Gay15 for Persocom16, Princess01 with ms_poptart (150)

09/18/08 - Traded Lancelot17 for Lancelot04 with mithanimboo (149)
Traded Cynic08, Esper09 for Persocom06, Design10 with shadow_desires (147 + 148)
Traded Ginryuu06 for Lancelot01 with kaurin (146)
Traded Princess13 for Emo18 with sumeragi_sei (145)

09/17/08 - Traded Senpai14 for Persocom07 with kaurin (144)
Traded Time19 for Lancelot02 with xx_lotus_xx (143)
Traded Co-Host09 for Nervous12 with ukiyuki (142)

09/16/08 - Traded Orb03 for Nervous01 with whitelilies22 (141)
Traded Extreme02 for Hostess12 with hitomik (140)
Exchanged Fanservice14 for Chopin18
Traded Extreme02 for Hostess12 with hitomik (139)
Traded Ruffles10 for Mystery20 with stuffedpanda (138)
Traded Hachi12 for Money14 with xx_lotus_xx (137)
Traded Cherry10 for Co-Host05 with whitelilies22 (136)

09/15/08 - Traded Brother10 for Hostess09 with rashiea (135)
Traded Unwanted16, Unwanted17 for Nervous09, Nervous19 with corinn (133 + 134)
Traded Pudding12 for Nervous11 with ukiyuki (132)
Traded Saturn15 for Money04 with taynis (131)

09/14/08 - Traded Four08 for Pudding12 with xx_lotus_xx (130)
Traded Mystery16 for Nervous02 with mmrobitussin (129)

09/12/08 - Traded Zero13 for Money12 with ukiyuki (128)

09/11/08 - Traded Shark04 for Four08 with inanefreeloader (127)
Traded Star09 for Nervous06 with eevelyn (126)

09/10/08 - Traded Esper04 for Mystery16 with mobiuswolf (125)
Traded Ice17, Star18 for Emo11, Emo15 with mobiuswolf (123 + 124)
Traded Zero06 for Co-Host09 with mithanimboo (122)
Traded Smokes03 for Straight03 with mmrobitussin (121)
Traded Crossover10 for Hostess17, Saturn15 with naominzk (120)

09/09/08 - Exchanged Fanservice07 for Chopin15
Traded Short10 for Money05 with stuffedpanda (119)
Traded Bokuto19 for Money07 with inanefreeloader (118)
Traded Dragon10 for Hostess01 with bonafide_nocta (117)
Traded Yanki19 for Nervous07 with xx_lotus_xx (116)

09/08/08 - Traded Legend12 for Lancelot11, Nervous15 with rashiea (115)
Traded Sugar03 for Forget19 with shikumo (114)
Traded Heart16 for Forget15 with bottledenigma (113)
Traded Celes04 for Peace03 with xx_lotus_xx (112)
Traded Producer05 for Chopin14 with blowsquirt (111)

09/07/08 - Traded Saturn11 for Emo17 with taynis (110)
09/06/08 - Traded King17 for Peace15 with mmrobitussin (109)
09/04/08 - Traded Star17 for Emo08 with eevelyn (108)
Traded Hell07 for Straight12 with corinn (107)

Traded Wank08 for Co-Host16 with sumeragi_sei (106)
Traded Crossover12 for Lancelot12, Persocom19 with naominzk (105)

09/03/08 - Traded Possess08 for Co-Host03 with ms_poptart (104)

09/02/08 - Traded Saturn02 for Straight13 with taynis (103)
Traded Gekidasa03 for Forget05 with rashiea (102)
Exchanged Ougi16 for Chopin13

09/01/08 - Traded Gay14, Jellopy91, Count07 for Emo20, Princess13, Crossover12 with ms_poptart (99 + 100 + 101)
Traded Bomb11 for Lancelot05 with ms_poptart (98)
Traded Solar18 for Count07 with shikumo (97)
Traded Ashes02 for Peace10 with miken_chan (96)

08/29/08 - Traded Lunar19, Sleep07 for Pitcher02, Pitcher09 with shikumo (94 + 95)
Traded Sister03 for Lancelot08 with sumeragi_sei (93)
08/28/08 - Traded Pokedex137 for Lancelot20 with bonafide_nocta (92)
08/27/08 - Traded Zero09 for Money06 with azurial (91)
Traded Rain08 for Lancelot03 with ms_poptart (90)
Traded Bow19 for Peace11 with mobiuswolf (89)
Traded Esper10, Smokes 05 for Emo 06, Emo 10 with mobiuswolf (87 + 88)

08/26/08 - Traded Exia11 for Friend08 with shikumo (86)
Traded Pizza14 for Emo02 with whitelilies (85)
Traded Rain11, Oresama20 for Co-Host01, Peace18 with mithanimboo (83 + 84)
Traded Archer04, Ideals01 for Gemini15, Princess18 with ukiyuki (81 + 82)
Traded Unwanted06 for Co-Host18 with corinn (80)
Traded Archer11 for Forget03 with sumeragi_sei (79)
Exchanged Tactics08 for Chopin12

08/25/08 - Traded Sugar04 for Emo16 with eeveelyn (78)

Traded Wishes01 for Straight06 with kaurin (77)

08/24/08 - Traded Trumpet20 for Prodigy13 with scherzando (76)

08/23/08 - Traded Sky10 for Peace08 with bottledenigma (75)

08/22/08 - Traded Pokedex56, Count02, Kuso18 for Chopin02, 03, 05 with bonafide_nocta (72 + 73 + 74)
Traded Dust01 for Prodigy20 with whitelilies (71)

08/21/08 - Traded Ceo18 for Money01 with royalbk (70)
Traded Sister04, Woobie11 for Emo14, Co-Host15 with sumeragi_sei (68 + 69)

08/19/08 - Traded Prey02 for Emo01 with mmrobitussin (67)
Traded Pyro12 for Peace16 with bonafide_nocta (66)
Traded Nya10, Tensai09, Tensai12 for Co-Host13, Co-Host19, Cherry10 with rashiea (63 + 64 + 65)
Traded Flute13 for Hostess20 with sumeragi_sei (62)
Traded Pyro09 for Lancelot14 with bonafide_nocta (61)
Exchanged Tactics06 for Prodigy17

08/18/08 - Traded Pokedex11 for Co-Host04 with rashiea (60)
Traded Honey01, Loyal16 for Princess07, Tensai12 with shikumo (58 + 59)

08/17/08 - Traded Cow02 for Lancelot19 with taynis (57)
Traded Iris04 for Chopin04 with xx_lotus_xx (56)

08/16/08 - Traded Prey10 for Straight08 with blowsquirt (55)
Traded Catcher12 for Emo12 with corinn (54)
Traded Nano11 for Chopin01 with stuffedpanda (53)

08/15/08 - Traded Mafia12 for Straight04, Money18 with ms_poptart (52)
Traded Silver04 for Straight17 with sumeragi_sei (51)

08/14/08 - Traded Snake04 for Trumpet20 with kitsuneasika (50)
Traded Pizza08 for Lancelot17 with azurial (49)
Traded Horse06 for Lancelot13 with taynis (48)

08/12/08 - Traded Jewel19 for Peace14 with xx_lotus_xx (47)
Traded Sugar11 for Prodigy10 with shikumo (46)

08/11/08 - Traded Duck04 for Peace17 with mmrobitussina (45)
Traded Gekidasa06 for Prodigy18 with rashiea (44)

Traded Kyrios10 for Emo19 with blowsquirt (43)

08/10/08 - Traded Bite09 for Chopin10 with ms_poptart (42)

08/09/08 - Traded Trumpet06 for Prodigy09 with resonancy (41)

08/08/08 - Traded 10th18, Possess11, Count05 for Prodigy03, 04, 05 with ms_poptart (38 + 39 + 40)
Traded Short12 for Hostess04 with shadow_desires (37)
Traded Gemini15 for Co-Host17 with rashiea (36)
Exchanged Noa05 for Prodigy07

08/06/08 - Traded Virtue14 for Jellopy91 with shikumo (35)
Traded Dreams15 for Prodigy06 with shadow-desires (34)

08/05/08 - Traded Armor17 for Co-Host20 with bonafide_nocta (33)
Traded Pokedex98 for Straight11 with inanefreeloader (32)
Traded Medic13, Medic16 for Lancelot07, Lancelot09 with mithanimboo (30 + 31)
Traded Sight08 for Prodigy16 with stuffedpanda (29)
Traded Liek20 for Forget16 with mmrobitussin (28)

08/04/08 - Traded Liek04 for Lancelot18 with rashiea (27)
Traded Jellopy68 for Peace20 with itsplashes (26)

08/03/08 -
Traded Ginryuu04 for Money19 with kaurin (25)
Traded Positive03 for Chopin20 with ukiyuki (24)

08/02/08 - Traded Catcher13 for Hostess05 with bonafide_nocta ~ (23)

08/01/08 - Traded Dreams10 for Peace07 with itsplashes (22)

07/31/08 - Traded Dynames09 for Prodigy19 with miken_chan (21)
Traded Guard17 for Chopin19 with cori_finn (20)
Traded Author17 for Straight15 with kitsuneasika (19)

07/30/08 - Traded Solar16 for Money16 with azurial (18)
Traded Mafia07 for Prodigy08, Peace01 withresonancy (17)
Traded Loyal10 for King17 with rema_suzuki (16)

07/24/08 - Traded Plan15 for Prodigy02 with sumeragi_sei (15)
Traded Dark16 for Striaght16 with whitelilies22 (14)
Traded Airhead01 for Prodigy12 with ukiyuki (13)

07/23/08 - Traded Wife10, Pyro06 for Chopin06, Plan15 with bonafide-nocta (11 + 12)
Traded SOS02 for Peace04 with taynis (10)
Exchanged Branch16, Pervert11 for Money02, Dark16

07/22/08 - Traded Pokedex16 for Straight02 with xx-lotus-xx (9)

07/21/08 - Traded Magic12, Madamada20 for Hostess11, Lancelot10 with rashiea (7 + 8)
Traded Heist13 for Lancelot06 with kirikaito (6)
Traded Wife07, Kuso07 for Gemini15, Prodigy11 with bonafide-nocta (4 + 5)

07/17/08 Traded Spirit03 for Straight14 with inanefreeloader (3)

07/16/08 - Traded Wolf13 for Chopin08 with whitelilies22. (2)
Traded Saturn04 for Prodigy14 with taynis. (1)

07/15/08 - Exchanged Loveless06 & Scatter18 for Prodigy01.
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