Title: M-theory: Mycroft, Moriarty, and Magnussen’s shared motifs, James Bond’s “M,” Mary and Janine, and the big gay long game
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Author: Loudest_Subtext_in_Television
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Length: 85,989 words
Rating: Unrated
Warnings: None
Verse: Sherlock BBC
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Comments 14
As an aside, I didn't know that one aspect of TJLC was that they may eventually be revealed to have been secret lovers the whole time, a la Mulder & Scully. I'll admit that I found that reveal at the end of X-Files pretty unsatisfying, so I'm hoping they don't go in that direction!
*head spins*
Also, I want Moriarty to be dead. Too many people came back from irreversible death on that show, so if Moriarty comes back, it'll feel cheap. I'm still thinking he's a twin or a triplet, so if the crazy one died and left a more stable brother, I could accept that. Too many cheats would make me irritated.
It's gotten to the point with JKR and all her new canon data that I don't even want to read it. The Snupin shipper in me does not want to know that Lupin never fell in love before Tonks, that kind of thing. Ugh. This is kind of the same thing. I'm afraid of learning something that will set new fixed points in the world that might upset me. Fanfic is one thing, we can ignore fans versions of things. but canon I want to adore. Fortunately, many of the theories in the summary are things I'd heard of/thought of already, so I'm not terribly wary. Also, I'd be so happy if Mycroft really has been matchmaking since the get-go. He's a good brother. :)
Personally, I'd love if the writers went in this direction with MyHo and MaMo in S4/5, but if they don't, I hope some of our talented fandom writers explore it in fic form, especially the MH part of things.
A note for anyone new to TJLC:
The "conspiracy" part of the name was and is intended as a joke, as in "it's something hidden in plain sight"; IOW, not much of a "secret conspiracy" after all.
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