Welcome to 221B Recs!

Jan 06, 2020 23:43

Welcome to the comm!

221B Recs is a community for reccing fan works based on any and all incarnations of Sherlock Holmes, from the original books by ACD to the new BBC and CBS shows.

We hope you enjoy the recs posted here! If you'd like to participate by reccing something you need to sign up first. 221B Recs works on a monthly cycle, so if you sign up you commit to posting recs for one month. More information on this, as well as our rules, can be found below.
(Please note that this is not a comm for asking for recommendations! See our affiliates on the user info page for that.)

Sign-Up Infos
General Infos About Reccing
DOs and DON'Ts When Posting A Rec


- To sign up go here. (Commenting will be turned on only if sign-ups are currently open.)

- To make recs, you must be a member of the comm. (Otherwise we can't give you posting access.)

- Up to five people can sign up for each month.

- You can sign up again any time if you’ve already recced once. However, we ask that you wait 3 months after your last turn before signing up again. We want to host a variety of tastes and as many participants, old and new, as possible.


- Please make between 3 and 12 rec posts during the month you signed up for. The maximum isn't set in stone, if there's one more you absolutely have to rec.

- You can rec fic, art, videos and podfics. We also allow recs for "meta" content.

*Recs for podfics need to include the story itself (Use the extended template at the bottom of this post). You may post a rec for a podfic if only the story itself has been recced before, as long as you (also) comment on the podfic quality.

- Any Holmes Verse is fair game.

- No self-recs please.

- Please don't repeat recs. If you're unsure if something has been recced before please consult either the spreadsheet or the pinboard page (linked below and on the left). We won't delete double recs if they happen, but the goal here is to rec as many different things as possible. We accept podfic recs for previously recced fics (see above).

- We host Saturday Open Recs posts every few weeks, where you can post informal recs as well as requests for recs in the comments. Meaning you don't need to use templates or tag anything. Recent works in progress are also ok in those posts. These recs are not archived either on the spreadsheet or on pinboard.


- All recs except for those from the Open Recs Posts will be archived on the spreadsheet (of doom) and on pinboard! This will be done by the mods and/or our archivers.

- Finding things on the spreadsheet:

* Make sure the entire spreadsheet has loaded before trying to search it.

* Sort the entries by author: click on the top of the author column (A), then in the top menu click on Data

and choose 'Sort Sheet by column A, A-Z'.

* Do NOT click on Sort Range as that will unlink the authors from the stories.

* If someone has applied a filter to the spreadsheet, it will not display all of the entries.

* To turn all of the filters off, toggle the funnel symbol in the toolbar menu (second symbol from the right).


- You need to use our rec templates, which can be found at the bottom of this post and on the comm profile.

- Only one rec per rec post (exceptions are connected fics, remixes or series).

- Don’t change the font and don’t use large pictures or headers in your rec posts.

- If you rec more than two connected fics in one post put the following recs under an lj-cut.

- Please pay attention to the *vid rec rules* we’ve posted here.

- Please tag your posts! Our tagging guidelines can be found here. The required aspects to tag are pairing (if it applies), relationship genre (i.e., gen, slash, or het), and verse (the source: ACD books, Sherlock BBC, Granada, etc.). Also tag for "meta" content.
Let us know if you need a new tag that's not on the list yet!

- Use html to create links to stories and lj users. If you’re unsure about the coding, it’s posted at the bottom of this post and on the comm profile.

- No recs for RPF/RPS as a genre. Single "real person" -characters interacting with other fictional characters in a story are OK.

- Warnings should not be copied from the authors' original headings, nor are they needed for every rec. Warnings should be given for rape/non-con, extreme violence, underage sex, or character death only. Other content that may be considered alarming or that a reader may wish to avoid may be mentioned in the reccer's comments at her or his discretion. Do not put slash, het, asexuality, or other information about relationships under "Warnings."

- Remixes: If you rec fic, art, or a vid that's a remix, please identify the original author and work that was remixed after the remix work's title. This information should come after "Title" in the heading.

- Don’t rec recent Works In Progress. Ongoing series of connected stories, where each fic in itself can be seen as finished, are *not* considered WIPs. They may be recced together in one post.

- If you want to rec a WIP you can do so ONLY if the story has not been updated in over six months AND you need to put up a clear warning that it hasn't been updated since date X.
(This does not apply to recs made in comments in the weekly "Open Recs" post.)


- Our feed on Dreamwidth

- The Spreadsheet

- The Pinboard Account

- Tumblr


Fic & Art Rec template:

Author: [or Artist:]
Pairing: [or indicate that it's "Gen".]
Warnings: [if necessary; don't warn for slash]
Verse: [e.g. Sherlock BBC, Ritchie films, Books, Granada, multi, etc.; please identify crossovers here]
Author's summary:
Reccer's comments:
For art recs "length" obviously doesn't apply. You may substitute "prompt" for "summary".

Vid Rec template:

Title: [if different from music title]
Music Title & Artist: [do not make this into a link to the vid]
Pairing or Character: [if appropriate; if the vidder didn't specify, you don't have to]
Verse: [e.g. Sherlock BBC, Ritchie films, Granada, multi, etc.; please identify crossovers]
Link: [link to the vidder's announcement post for the vid or other approved link; see rec guidelines]
Reccer's Comments:
Read the vid rec guidelines please.

Podfic Rec template:

Podfic: [link to where it can be downloaded]
Pairing: [or indicate that it's "Gen"]
Warnings: [if necessary; don't warn for slash]
Verse: [e.g. Sherlock BBC, Ritchie films, Books, Granada, multi, etc.; please identify crossovers here]
Author's summary:
Reccer's comments:

html code for posting links:

Story Title

Don't take out the quotation marks!


Post them here, or PM one of the mods (unovis-lj and tanpopo03).

!mod-post, !guidelines&rules

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