Oh What A Night (1/?)

Jun 11, 2016 09:56

Title: Oh What A Night (1/?)
Author: Ragna (scandalbaby)
Fandoms: Sherlock/Star Trek (Alternate Original Series)
Characters/Pairings: Leonard McCoy & Molly Hooper; one-sided Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper
Rating: R but possibly higher
Summary: After an encounter with Sherlock that leaves Molly embarrassed and in tears, McCoy suggests going to her place and spending time there. What he doesn’t count on happening is getting very drunk or falling into bed with her...or the proposition she has for him in the morning.
Authors Notes: Part of my “The Best Laid Plans” series. Also, my 700th Sherlock fic and my 100th Star Trek fic! Since my friend who I write this series for jokes that McCoy always grumbles for higher rated fics between the two of them, I thought I’d oblige for such a special occasion.
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