Title: Not Like That (also affectionately entitled "Nuggets")
gladdeceaseCouple/Fandom: Yuki x Machi/Fruits Basket
Rating: G
Warnings: An altered scene from Chapter...123, I think? Just changed it to fit the theme a bit. And yeah...only a vague reference to the couple. ^^'
I'm a bit disappointed with it, but I'll leave it to you to decide.
At least I don't blind myself purposely to the truth. )
Comments 5
That was great! I loved the shippiness in this! You should really go for writing a Fruits Basket fic! I'd love to see that!
Ha ha, now I'm commanding you to write. XD
I'm actually planning a long-ish AU breaking-the-Curse story...so maybe you will see something. Eventually.
Okay, maybe within five years. As I won't actually write it until I'm done with my trilogy. *determined* *also slow*
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