Title: 20 Things You Never Knew About Sai
terrykunCharacter/Pairings: Sai (with incidental Team 7 and Team 10 threesomes, Sai/Hinata, and Sai/Ino)
Rating: PG-13?
Disclaimer: Twinkies!
1. If anyone asks him, Sai says his birthday is the day that Naruto reminded him of how he wanted to finish his book. He doesn’t tell them the details, just the date.
2. Every year, on that same day, Sai draws another portrait titled “Friendship”. It always features himself and some combination of the people that were present that day. Baka-san, Hag-san, Doctor-san, Wood-san, Snake-san, and Uchiha.
3. Sasuke is the only person from that day that Sai has never, and will never, ask to refer to him casually. During the time that he was exploring different emotions, he realized he hated the Uchiha for what he did to Naruto and Sakura. He didn’t like the feeling of hating someone, but it didn’t go away.
4. He would never tell anyone, but it burns him alive inside to this day, seeing the three of them living happily together under one roof. There is one painting, hidden carefully, which has Naruto and Sakura at the fore, embraced, while the Uchiha is in the far background, walking away.
5. In addition to not experiencing emotions, Sai also did not understand tastes very well. The first time Asuma had him try sake resulted in a massive shock to Sai’s gag reflex and an exclamation that it was vile and he hated it. Asuma asked if he wanted another shot, and Sai replied with “Yes please."
6. Sai hugged Naruto after the first time the other boy encouraged him to try ramen. He liked it.
7. He told Sakura some weeks later that he also found out he liked hugging people. The somewhat adorable frankness he said this with saved him from what would have been an imminent beating for hugging her without warning.
8. Every female genin of the Rookie Twelve either wishes they had a midriff like Sai’s, or could just paw at it for a while.
9. Ino and Hinata are the only members of that group who would ever get to.
10. Initially, Sai did not understand why Ino seemed to frequently appear around him. After nearly approaching Kakashi to ask about this strange behavior, he was intercepted by Sakura, who eagerly pushed the little artist boy towards the girl that might still be a rival for Sasuke.
11. Sai found out that Ino was not so much hung up on Sasuke as badly as Sakura was, but he had been her first true crush, and he was as much a part of her ‘generation’ as any of the other Rookie Twelve. Sai found this to be a very sensible outlook. He shortly thereafter received a punch to the jaw when he flatly asked what sort of sexual fantasies she had previously had about Sasuke.
12. Sai decided that women were complicated.
13. Sai and Ino’s relationship did not have a definitive beginning. They realized they’d been dating when one night Ino woke up face-down in Sai’s bed, sheets only covering her from the waist down, to find him delicately painting on her right shoulderblade. Sai was similarly covered, sitting cross-legged next to her, and she had never seen him look so peaceful and content.
14. The relationship didn’t last, but Shikamaru and Chouji know full well to this day that the sound of wet paint on canvas makes her tingle, and take full advantage of this knowledge.
15. Sai met Hinata after being introduced to her by Naruto, shortly after his amiable breakup with Ino. Hinata had since given up her earnest hopes of winning Naruto’s heart, and kept her regrets private. Sai was very good at seeing right through her façade, and asked her what had made her fall in love with him.
16. After she recovered from her shock, gracious that Naruto hadn’t been there to hear, she sat with Sai and talked about it. No-one had ever just asked her before.
17. Unlike with Ino, Sai had a definitive starting point with Hinata. He did not so much ask, as he informed her “We should date.” Hinata was dumbfounded, but was far too sweet to refuse, and far too surprised to think of a reason not to.
18. It was eight months before he started painting images of her, then his work flourished. Sakura noted how different his brush-strokes came out when he was painting Hinata, and Sai blushed. Ino once asked Sai why he waited so long to paint Hinata, considering he had her on canvas, and paint on her flesh, within the first month. He replied that he was afraid of it not coming out perfect, for Hinata.
19. The only portrait Sai has ever contributed to a gallery was a full-body portrait of Hinata. She sat, partially covered with a sheet over his favorite curves of hers, and painted her to start. It was an elegant but almost tribal design that started on her throat, spilled over to her shoulder, down her chest, then onto the sheet she clutched. It cascaded down the sheet to her exposed left thigh, then crept like ivy down to her ankle. Hinata never noticed until he’d finished putting the whole spectacle onto canvas, but there was a gold ring left sitting by her big toe.
20. They day after they returned from their honeymoon he realized how much she felt attached to the portrait, and stole it back from the gallery.