Title: Lucknow Author: maladaptive Claim: Xigbar/Demyx Prompt: #07 Guide Warnings: none, I'm not hardcore enough to require a warning Disclaimer: I don't own any rights to any of this
"Edmy? Funny name." "Edmund." "I think you should come with me, Edmy." I can totally see him telling Xemnas that the kid's name is "Edmy or something." XD I just love that exchange soooo much.
LOL, I love the opening descriptions of poor Demyx's blurring vison. And his interaction with Xigbar is perfect. I love how you write for them!
I also like how you give Demyx a logical name and Xigbar messes it up. LOL. I can see that! There's just no logical name that can be gained from removing the X in "Demyx".
The ending lines, about fixing the universe and Xigbar's response, is just great. X3
There's a few Demy-x names I like, like Dyme (which is common as dirt) and Myde, but they don't quite work so well for a British guy. Xigbar's just bad with names! It's a failing of his. ♥
He didn't have the heart to tell Demyx what's really going on.
Xigbar is SUCH A JERK. XD I mean, gawd. At least listen to your recruit's name.
But, tee hee~. Yes. They're adorable. "Edmund" included. X3 I will never, never get tired of hearing "first moments as a Nobody" stories. Especially ones that aren't swimming in angst.
But eee, thanks. I figured I should start it from the beginning, so I'm glad you like reading the kind of stories, since I looooove writing them. Xigbar and Demyx kind of totally defy angst. They'd have no idea what it was if someone put some angst in front of them and had a sign.
Comments 9
And I am full of adoration for your icon. XD
This whole thing is adorable.
Needs moar army brat. ♥
Hee, thanks. I'm so ridiculously fond of that background and the era. No this didn't give me an excuse to go read some books, of course not.
I also like how you give Demyx a logical name and Xigbar messes it up. LOL. I can see that! There's just no logical name that can be gained from removing the X in "Demyx".
The ending lines, about fixing the universe and Xigbar's response, is just great. X3
There's a few Demy-x names I like, like Dyme (which is common as dirt) and Myde, but they don't quite work so well for a British guy. Xigbar's just bad with names! It's a failing of his. ♥
He didn't have the heart to tell Demyx what's really going on.
Xigbar is SUCH A JERK. XD I mean, gawd. At least listen to your recruit's name.
But, tee hee~. Yes. They're adorable. "Edmund" included. X3 I will never, never get tired of hearing "first moments as a Nobody" stories. Especially ones that aren't swimming in angst.
But eee, thanks. I figured I should start it from the beginning, so I'm glad you like reading the kind of stories, since I looooove writing them. Xigbar and Demyx kind of totally defy angst. They'd have no idea what it was if someone put some angst in front of them and had a sign.
I love this, I like the way Xigbar isn't offering him anything really like sympathy but still being a sneaky recruiter.
And you win a lifetime supply of interwebz for the 'Edmy' bit. *still giggling*
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