Gravitation. Eiri x Shuichi. Past Times.

Oct 13, 2008 20:27

Title: Smoking On the Roof
Author: cuethe_pulse
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Eiri x Shuichi, Tatsuha
Genre: Slash, Gen
Table: Here
Prompt: 4-Past Times
Rating: Er…PG-16
Word Count: 849
Summary: During a visit to Kyoto, Tatsuha perfects his smoke rings, Shuichi gets jealous and Eiri eats cake.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters do not belong to me.
A/N: I haven’t written Tatsuha in a while. He’s always harder than I expect him to be. >P
Dedication: For kageotogi ~

It’d rained the night before and the temple roof was slick. Shuichi said he was only standing out there with them to make sure they didn’t slip off, but Eiri didn’t buy it.

“You’re just out here to eavesdrop.”

“I am not!”

Eiri held his hand out for the cigarette he and his brother were sharing. Tatsuha gave it to him as he exhaled near-perfect smoke rings; he’d been practicing.

“You shouldn’t hang around when we’re smoking, anyway,” he said, mostly because he just wanted the boy to go inside; not because he actually cared. “You’ll get lung cancer.”

“If I don’t have it already…” Shuichi sighed, only to look up at the writer with a grin that was almost too big for his face a mere second later. “If I do, at least we can die horribly together!”

Eiri grimaced and brought the cigarette to his lips.

“How sweet,” Tatsuha said as he smirked at him, eyes a-glint with mirth.

“Don’t encourage him,” Eiri grumbled, elbowing his brother when he received a snicker in response.

“Look out!” Tatsuha yelped, feigning imbalance, and even Eiri couldn’t suppress a chuckle at the horrified expression on the singer’s face.

“That wasn’t funny,” Shuichi snapped. “Do you have to smoke up there?”

“He sounds like Mika, doesn’t he?” Tatsuha reclaimed the cigarette from Eiri and took his time inhaling, waiting, perhaps, for the writer to answer Shuichi’s question. When he didn’t, he proceeded to explain, “We used to sneak up here to smoke, so the old man wouldn’t catch us and throw a fit. It’s become a bit of a ritual now.” He blew a stream of smoke toward his brother. “It’s got an almost poetic feeling, huh? Smoking on the roof? Leave it to a writer.”

Eiri rolled his eyes and felt, rather than saw, the way Shuichi was smiling up at him. “Go inside, brat.”



He obeyed, pouting, and Tatsuha shot Eiri a look. “Aniki-”

“Shut up and give me the cigarette.”


“You two really get along, don’t you?” Shuichi asked, tugging his shirt over his head. “You and Tatsuha?”

“Mm,” Eiri hummed noncommittally as he sat on the edge of the bed and began unbuttoning his own shirt. “Be glad we don’t share glory holes anymore.”

Shuichi paused for a second before turning his back to the writer and unzipping his jeans. “Yeah…that’s pretty skanky.”

Eiri watched as the singer’s jeans dropped to the floor and arched an eyebrow. “Who’s skanky?” He asked, reaching out and snagging the boy by the strap of his tiny thong.

Shuichi giggled as Eiri pulled him into his lap and gave him a smoky kiss.



“I-” Shuichi gasped at a particularly hard thrust of his Eiri’s hips. “I-I’m a little jealous,” he admitted.

“What for?” Eiri asked, biting lightly at the back of the singer’s neck. He wasn’t particularly interested in knowing the answer, but he knew Shuichi wouldn’t shut up, anyway. He vaguely wondered if they’d ever have sex without talking.

“We need a poetic ritual.”

Eiri frowned slightly and pushed his lover harder into the mattress. “What do you call this?”

“Sex,” Shuichi moaned into a pillow, “is not the same thing.”

“Says who?” Eiri scoffed and proceeded to fuck the boy speechless.


“Cake for breakfast, Aniki?” Tatsuha teased as he sauntered into the kitchen. “That’s gonna go right to your thighs.”

Eiri ignored his brother. Cake wouldn’t do that him. Cake liked him. He and cake had a beautiful relationship. Especially sine cake never got jealous and never talked too much. Cake never talked at all, in fact, which made cake the very best friend Eiri had.

“You’re starting to get a funny gleam in your eyes,” Tatsuha observed, squinting. “How many of those things have you had?”

Eleven. “None of your business.”

“You’re gonna make yourself sick.”

Probably. “No, I’m not.”

“Whatever.” Tatsuha shrugged. “Just don’t throw up on me.”

Eiri snickered at the thought. Tatsuha snickered at Eiri’s snickering, but still felt the need to add, “I’m so serious, bro.” Eiri ignored him again and continued to snicker, his amusement subsiding only when he noticed Shuichi stepping out of his room and glancing at them with a small, sad smile on his way to the bathroom.

Why couldn’t Shuichi be more like cake?


The temple roof wasn’t slick anymore, but Shuichi still came to stand outside with them. He promised he’d be quiet, and was doing pretty good, so far. But, for some reason, quiet-Shuichi was never as enjoyable as Eiri wanted him to be.

Tatsuha blew a perfect smoke ring while he handed over the cigarette and pulled an exaggerated sad-face when Eiri looked his way, whispering, “Aw, the glory hole just wants to belong.”


Eiri glared as he took a long drag, stalling, finally giving it back and saying, “Just come up here already, brat.”

He obeyed, grinning, and Tatsuha shot Eiri a look. “A-”

“One word and I push you off.”

Tatsuha settled for just smirking around the cigarette.


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