Gravitation. Eiri x Shuichi. Understanding.

Oct 06, 2008 00:51

Title: Even
Author: cuethe_pulse
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Eiri x Shuichi
Genre: Slash
Table: Here
Prompt: 07-Understanding       
Rating: G
Word Count: 301
Summary: [Compliant with only the first volume of Gravitation Ex] When the lights are off, he can pretend to understand what the novelist is feeling.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters do not belong to me.

“You’re staring at me, aren’t you?”

“No,” Shuichi lied, perched on the writer’s desk, staring at his beau as he stared at his laptop screen. “Can you-can you see anything?”

“What do you think?” Eiri snapped, though the annoyance in his voice was half-hearted and weak.

“Sorry.” Shuichi glanced at the laptop, tried to make sense of the few, jumbled words there that looked back at him. “I just-you never-” He sighed when Eiri arched an eyebrow. “I just want to try and understand what it’s like for you.”

“Hm.” Eiri’s fingers slowly made their way to the laptop’s power button; Shuichi watched to make sure it turned off. “I can’t see anything and it sucks,” he said. “Understand that?”

Shuichi bit his lip and said nothing, dropping his gaze as Eiri closed his laptop with a light huff of frustration. He slid himself off the desk and walked to the study door, hesitating only a moment before closing it and flipping the light-switch, finding himself in complete darkness.

“The lights are off, Yuki,” he said, almost smiling. “Now I can’t see you, either.”


He grinned then, and he managed to take six whole steps before tripping over something that felt like an umbrella. He laughed, vaguely wondering why Eiri had an umbrella lying in the middle of the floor, and crawled the rest of the way, until he bumped into Eiri’s knee.

“Oops,” he giggled.

“Dummy,” Eiri repeated firmly, a hand reaching down to pet at the singer’s hair.

Shuichi purred, melting under the touch and wrapping his arms around Eiri’s leg. “Are we even? For now?”


Elated, Shuichi released the writer and proceeded to attempt to blindly climb into his lap, knocking them both unceremoniously-and a bit painfully-onto the floor.




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