Submissions are now CLOSED for our
206_bones Banner Contest.
Voting will begin later today.
Season 5 slipped by us, so we've been graced by the lovely banner made by
sarahkjrsten for two years now, but it's time to give this place a new look. (If you need a little inspiration, check out
these submissions from our S4 Banner contest or go to the
main page of the community to see our current banner)
The Basics
1. You can submit only one banner.
2. The deadline to submit your banner is Monday, August 30th (EST)
To submit your entry, please leave a comment on this entry with the url of your image. All comments will be screened and the votes will be done anonymously. The winning banner will be used as our new header and we will credit you over in our community profile.
Banner Requirements
1. The banner must be 700 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall.
2. It can be no larger than 300kb in size.
3. Animations are allowed, so long as the image still fits the size restrictions
4. It must contain either "206_bones" or "Bones" or both
5. It may contain other words/writing, so long as it is not ship-centric.
6. The banner must be a general Bones banner. No particular ship, character, or episode focus. This doesn't mean you have to show the whole cast, but rather that it should be representative of the show on the whole, not just a single individual/ship/episode.
7. The banner should be either in black and white or have some sort of color scheme. It doesn't have to be monochrome (all browns, all blues, etc), but just keep in mind that we will want to be able to adjust the colors of our layout to match your banner.
1. You can use any image from either the
Bones Picture Archive or the
Screen Cap Archive.
2. The only images you cannot use are images that contain spoilers. Preferably, this means none at all, but at the very least, it cannot contain spoilers from S4 going forward.
3. You may also use other images, textures, brushes, or other resources out there. Please ensure however that if you win, you let us know if anyone else needs to be credited for any resources that were used.
Image Hosting and Voting
1. For the actual vote, your image will be reuploaded to LJ-scrapbook by us, so you can name your image whatever you'd like and you do not need to obscure your username from the URL.
2. If your banner is selected by the community for use, we will take care of the image hosting so you don't have to worry about bandwidth usage.
3. If for any reason you prefer not to upload the image somewhere, leave a comment for alternate ways of submission.
If you have any other questions, just leave them in a comment before submitting your banner.
Good luck!