Title: Another Hard Boiled Egg Incident (55/?)
Author: boneslvr38
Rating: M
Pairing: Booth & Brennan
Timeline/Spoiler: 7 years in the making, touches on Season 6
Summary: How I feel Booth and Brennan really feel about each other and how they finally end up as a real couple. This is their little journey.
**Disclaimer: I do not own anything with BONES or any songs in my stories. I just love Booth and Bones love story. **
Author’s Note: I just want to apologize for the span in between updates. Just been working OT at work for the last month which has been interfering with my muse, but that will be all over this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to update all my other stories shortly. You will also notice that I didn’t italics the dialogue like I have in past chapters of this story. Also, this has not been proofed by anyone by me. My thoughts about this chapter will be at the end.
Another Hard Boiled Egg Incident
Angela had just left Bones’ office. She been had been doing this everyday since Bones revealed the ring. Angela would come in everyday and admire it. Her excuse was that she still couldn’t believe it. That Bones would wear something like that that could be proof of “ownership”, it seemed like a dream. Bones just humored her pregnant friend but now it was getting on her nerves.
Booth entered Bones’ office. She didn’t bother looking up when he entered. She was trying to get some things done being she was delayed by one of Angela’s visit once again. When he closed her door, a little too loudly, that got her attention. Once inside her office, he made a bee-line to the front of her desk. Bones had been watching him ever since he closed her door. She noticed that he was not happy. She hadn’t seen him look this way since she told Andrew about his hard-boiled egg story. She had no idea what could have made him so mad, but she was about to find out.
Standing in front of her desk, “Bones do you know what this is?” putting a piece of paper on her desk.
“Your rent check?” giving him a curious look as she picked the item up from where he had put it on her desk.
While the check was still in her hands, “Do you know why I still have it and the landlord doesn’t?” She was just about to answer when Booth snatched it from her hands. “I’ll tell you why Bones! I went to pay my rent today and do you know what he told me?” He was getting more fired up as he spoke. “He told me that my rent was paid in full until my lease was up and who would do that Bones?” Before Bones could answer once again, Booth continued to vent. “The landlord said he knew why I kept you around. Bones! I can pay my own bills. I don’t need your help. I’m a good provider. Now people are going to think that I have a sugar momma paying for my things. I may not be rich like you, but I can take care of my obligations, BONES! I’m the man, I’m the provider.” He repeated as he stormed out of her office.
Bones was confused. She wasn’t quite some what had just transpired. Was Booth mad at her, at the landlord or what? She couldn’t go back to work. Her mind was processing what had just occurred. Bones just sat at her desk for a while looking at her ring. The words he said when he gave it to her, the promise that he would always loves her, though right now she was worried that she messed things up due to the fact that he was so mad. She never thought that just paying his rent would be such a huge deal. While deep in thought, Angela had come back to her friend’s office to gaze at the ring again.
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Angela said stopping in the doorway, noticing her friend was fixated on the ring.
“Ange, Booth is mad at me and I don’t really understand why. What I did was the logical thing to do. Even though it was, he is really mad.”
“Ok, well tell me what happened and I’ll try to help.” Angela said taking a seat on the couch. As Angela got situated, Bones started telling her what had happened just shortly before, never taking her eyes off her hand and the ring. When Bones finished, Angela signed. Bones finally looked at her friend, “What if he hates me?”
Angela motioned her friend to come sit with her on the couch. “Sweetie he doesn’t hate you. He could never hate you. Did you explain to him your reasoning?”
“No, he left before I could say anything. I still don’t understand why he is mad Ange.”
“Bren, you took away his manhood.”
“What do you mean? I didn’t surgically remove his genitalia.”
Sometimes her friend was so literal. “No, metaphorically, he feels like you did. You are always calling him an alpha-male. Alpha-males like to be the protectors, the providers, you know the man in the relationship. When you paid for his rent and then the landlord made that offhand comment, it made him feel like less of a man. He was emasculated. I know you didn’t mean to do it, but that is how Booth is feeling right now.”
Bones listened intently as Angela spoke. She respected her friend’s advice since Angela has a lot more experience with relationships than she did.
“Sweetie, remember back when you were with Sully and I told you to be the girl.” Bones nodded. “Just remember you have an awesome alpha-male who loves you tremendously. He could never hate you. Just talk to him and tell him your logic and that it was never your intention to hurt him.”
As Angela finished speaking Bones’ cell went off. “Thanks Ange” as she got up off the couch to retrieve her cell from her desk. Bones turned back to Angela who was having trouble getting up off the couch. “It is so much easier getting down then getting up.” Bones helped her friend up from the couch. “Thanks again Ange. I will talk to Booth about this tonight.” They hugged each other. Angela left her friend’s office, but before leaving she said, “Just talk to him and everything will work out.”
Bones looked at her phone. It was a text from Booth, saying he was in the parking garage to pick her up for lunch. “He must be still mad,” she thought since he didn’t come up to get her. She sighed, grabbed her coat and headed down.
The short drive to the diner was in silence. Booth clenched the steering wheel as he drove. So Bones just sat in the silence, she knew it was best to wait until he was ready to talk. They entered the diner and the same silence was still experienced that occurred in the SUV. Silence when they were seated, silence when they ordered, Bones couldn’t take it any more that he wasn’t speaking to her. Sipping his coffee and looking out the window to avoid looking at her by any means possible. Bones grabbed his hand to get his attention. “Booth,” she said in a relatively low tone. “I’m sorry. I would like to discuss this matter further, but not now. Right now, I just want to have an enjoyable lunch with my boyfriend.” She emphasized the word boyfriend and rubbed her thumb across his knuckles. His demeanor softened and a smile came across his face. He could never stay mad at her for any length of time. Then he realized at that moment though that he wasn’t really mad at her to begin with. She smiled back. Though their lunch was silent it wasn’t that awkward silence like before.
Later that night….
They finished with dinner. Booth made his way to the couch to put the game on, while Bones cleared the dishes from the table. When Bones came to join Booth on the couch, she had a slice of apple pie in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. She had changed into one of his dress shirts, just for a split second he thought he was dreaming. He was back to reality when she handed him the plate and glass and snuggled up beside him, placing her legs underneath her as she sat. She was the only woman that could turn his attention away from the game. As she snuggled up close to him, he turned off the T.V. Then he realized that they still needed to talk about his little tantrum from this morning. He felt foolish now for acting like such a child, but instead of speaking he shoved a couple of forkfuls of pie into his mouth. “Booth, I wanted to talk about this morning and with your mouthful of pie then you won’t interrupt me,” as she placed her hand on his thigh. “I’m sorry about this morning. It was surely not my intent to hurt you. I thought what I was doing was the most logical thing, since you spend most of your time here with me and that is due to me. So since it is my fault that you are very seldomly home anymore that is why I paid your rent and I have more money than I can ever spend in my lifetime. I wasn’t trying to emasculate you in any way. You’re a great man Booth, a good father, protector and provider. You’re all the alpha-male I’ll ever need. I’m sorry I didn’t consult you first. I didn’t mean to make you feel any less than a man.”
Booth swallowed his pie and turned so he could have a better view of his beautiful girlfriend. “Bones, I should be the one that is apologizing. You did nothing wrong. I see your logic, but it isn’t your fault that I spend more time over here than at my place. And none of this, none of this is your fault. I was just upset that that schmuck thought that I needed my woman to pay my bills. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you this morning and I am so so sorry for doing that.” He put his plate down on the coffee table, cupped her face and placed a stray hair behind her ear. “Bones, I love you more than anything. I could never hate you. You have such an open heart and I was a jerk.” He placed a soft kiss upon her lips.
She smiled as his lips pressed against hers. “You know I still don’t like my fruit cooked, but I could take it this way,” tasting the pie on his lips.
They broke from the kiss.
“We’re good right Bones?”
“Yes, we’re good.”
He kissed her forehead and picked up his plate once again. She snuggled up as close as she could to him and turned the T.V. back on as she snatched a piece of crust from his plate.
*Thanks again for all who have enjoyed the story so far. And thanks for all the feedback. Also thanks for all who have made this story one of their alerts/favorites and also marked me as an author alert/author. THANKS SO MUCH! Appreciate any feedback good or bad.* Happy Reading :0)
Author’s Note #2: Well I thought at the time when this idea popped into my head it was a good one. Now, I’m not so sure. Please tell me what you think of this chapter. I don’t really feel good about it at all. Thanks in advance!
For more of my stories look for me on fanfiction.net author name: boneslvr38 or