A conclusion.

Sep 07, 2008 08:33

*Serious post ensues*

The recent discussion, while obviously partly comedic, has lead me to a few serious realizations -- chiefly the realization that people have become so caught up in this modern, offense-free workplace world that they don't even have the balls to define themselves anymore. People are denying themselves their own identities for fear they may wind up sending a splinter up the ass of a 38 year old infant with a chip on one shoulder and a lawyer on the other by simply telling him that he doesn't belong in every single club house in the fucking neighborhood.

There can't be any losers. Everyone is a winner. Everyone gets a trophy. Everyone gets a medal pinned on him, even if it's for being the person with the least medals. It's a world of middle aged third graders where everyone must win or someone will fall on the floor and start screaming and shitting their diaper. No one is allowed to excel anyone else. The person who sits in the back of the room eating glue and drooling out unintelligible half-sentences is just as special as the person who spends the bulk of his life creating a cure for AIDS. Everyone must be an undefined, featureless glob of sparkling success no matter how great or how little an effort they put into being a valuable human being. Everyone must be equal.

It has become a violation to our inalienable human rights to be excluded from anything. Exclusion equals difference. And we don't dare point at someone and tell them they're different.

If you ask someone what a furry is, they'll tell you there is no definition. It's always different no matter who you ask. Anyone can be a furry so long as they decide they are. This is a load of self-serving bullshit to keep spineless, weepy, rejection-griefers from throwing a tantrum. It's the same motivational-speaker nonsense that Microsoft spouts at their employees to keep the sparkle of hope in the eyes of the half-retarded mongoloids who push the mops around the hallways when everyone else has left.

Any group must have a definition. This is a fact. A group must have boundaries. It must have barriers and edges to determine who is a part of the group and who is not. That's the whole fucking point. A group without a definition cannot be a group. Without a set criteria of who is included and who is not, a group is meaningless. What's that, you say? You belong to a group without an agreed upon definition of what the group is? Great! That group has existed for billions of years. It's called "everything".

I assure you, there is a definition for "furries" and "Christians" just as there is for "rocket scientist" and "Chinese person" and "green things". Unfortunately, very few people in this day and age will dare lay down the line in front of the people who simply do not fucking belong in that group.

Grow a fucking spine. You cannot be included in everything. As much as it may cause your sphincter to spasm in anticipation of your tantrum-shit, you simply do not automatically belong to any group of which you simply wish to be a part. Not everyone is, by humanity alone, included in everything.

Say what you want about people who are willing to draw a line and define a group. Call them elitists, call them arrogant. I will have no part in coddling every overly-sensitive, human invertebrate this side of the Great Fucking Wall who shakes and pisses like some over-bred rat-dog abomination when I tell them they don't belong. A group has boundaries. If you don't fit into them, it's not the end of the fucking world. Find a group you belong in and I don't.
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