...and some answers.

Sep 06, 2008 23:29

So... since my statement that Christians are frightened, brainwashable sheep, I have learned that a "Christian" is someone who only has to believe in parts of the bible to be Christian. I asked the question, what point between believing in all and none of the bible does a person stop being Christian. Well, I got a lot of answers.

And the answers said... anywhere between all and none. One popular answer was that a Christian must believe that Jesus is the son of God. Apparently nothing else in the bible must be believed in other than that. Some responses suggested that believing in a God that is almost completely constructed from a person's own ideas makes him a Christian. But I also got a few responses that said nothing can really define what a Christian is. A person is a Christian if he simply decides he is one.

So, since anyone, anywhere can be a Christian at any time for believing in practically any God, I have decided that I... yes, I... am now a Christian! My God takes the form of a giant, rapturous boner with a cheesecake on his head. He doesn't throw anyone in hell, and instead of heaven, he lives in a gigantic fox's butt, who has a colon that is paved with gold. But he says the phrase "thou shalt..." a lot. And since that phrase is in the Christian bible, my God is the Christian God. And I am therefore a Christian.

Aaahh. I feel holier already.

So, in light of what I've learned and now knowing that everyone on the planet is potentially a Christian, I would like to change my initial statement. I will now say that "people who believe completely in the Christian bible are frightened, brainwashable sheep." That way, the other 6 billion Christians out there won't think I'm talking about them.
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