Yay Birthday... aaaaand back to you, John.

Aug 14, 2008 09:46

Four things...

1.) First thing is to say thank you for all the birthday wishes I got! Thank you all for remembering. I even got an LJ gift. It is sushi! Nom!

2). Second thing is... I'm still here. I've just been crazy busy getting ready to move and then fly right off to Germany. However, I can say that once the move is over, I will be in a better position to get some new things done than I have in the past year or so! So new rants, probably LSD files and I've got a few other new things I want to try.

3.) Okay, time for things that are making me pissed. For those who didn't know, Russia is at war with Georgia now. Russia rolled their tanks in there and made the place look like roadkill with death sauce. The reason Russia did this was because Georgia's military started fighting in smaller, disputed territories nearby. And now, what has the US done? Something so ridiculous that only America could get away with it and keep a straight face. They have condemned Russia's actions and deemed the event unacceptable.

This is a fucking joke, right? It has to be! We're going to CRITICIZE Russia for invading Iraq... oops... I mean Georgia, for trying to pick on the smaller country Kuwait... uh... I mean Abkhazia so they can attempt to re-arrange their government and get their oil... uh... I mean just re-arrange their government.

The US government has absolutely NO business criticizing Russia for what they're doing right now since it's the very fucking same thing they're doing as we speak in the middle east.

4). Last thing. I read a news report today that said a lot of Mexicans in the southern states, legal and not, are going back to Mexico. Why? Because our economy is so shitty, they can't make all the money they want.

Now, I've always been pissed about illegal aliens hopping our fences. But this is enough to make me want to eat nails and spit them at Buddha! What happened to all this fist pumping and yelling "we are Americans now!" What happened to all this bullshit about how America should be open to everyone and how you wanted to come and be a part of our culture? What, you're Americans only for so long as you can make a buck, then you turn tail and run?

It's easy to say the pledge of allegiance and make some tear jerking speech about how poor you came to the new world with hopes and dreams of making a life for your family and humping the Statue of Liberty, and blablabla... But as soon as you can't buy a new fucking flatscreen and gas up your SUV with your government assistance check, you flip us the bird and hop back over that same fence?

You are fucking slime. All of you. (And I don't mean Mexicans, I mean these bitch economy vampire immigrants.)

Hey, if you're born in a place and want to get the hell out of it, fine. But if you're gonna fight to get somewhere else and then bitch and whine to be a part of their country -- demand everyone speaks your language and force them to make laws just to keep you comfy -- just to back out when it's not filling your wallet anymore, then you are fucking slime.

Okay. Now that I've got all that said... it's time for pizza. Because pizza is nom.
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