The Spy's Sacrifice - a Snupin drabble

Dec 04, 2007 22:58

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: Snape spends his last night with Lupin, knowing what is required of him.
Author's Note: Set somewhere between book five and the beginning of book seven, but no big spoilers.
Challenge: Memory charms for snape100
Rating: PG

Severus lies still, treasuring the warmth and nearness of Remus, snuggled against him in sleep. It's been too long since he felt another man's body against his own. Since he risked himself.

Even now, the risk is great. Remus joins the werewolves soon. While he's an adequate Occlumens, emotions are hard to hide. There's too much at stake to risk for love.

Severus won't have the courage in the morning. So he does it now, while Remus sleeps. He kisses him and whispers, "I love you."

And finishes it. "Obliviate." When next they meet, they'll be reluctant allies. Nothing more.

drabble, slash, harry potter

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