Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Lucius, Snape/Draco, Snape/Sirius, Snape/Regulus (all implied)
Summary: Snape lets his mind wander while filling out an exercise for Dumbledore, with very inappropriate results.
Challenge: Snape's List for
snape100 Severus Snape sighed and studied the form in front of him. He hated the Headmaster’s goofy getting to know your team exercises. But it was due at the next day’s staff meeting, so after rereading the question he sat back and relaxed, letting the enchanted quill record his thoughts.
Things I would take to a desert island (Merlin forbid)
Potions kit and cauldron
An automatically updating copy of Potions Review
(Scratch that. He wasn’t really the dullest man on Earth, despite what his students might think. But still, necessities first.)
Something to block out the sun, a portable Dungeon perhaps
Magic table
Silk sheets and extra large bed
(A way off this theoretical island and out of this stupid exercise)
A deluxe illustrated edition of “1001 Wizard Nights”
Lucius Malfoy (Now we’re talking)
Draco Malfoy (May as well get the newer model too)
Sirius Black, but with his personality wiped (Under Imperius… yum.)
Or maybe Regulus (just as hot, but not so bloody Griffindor)
When he opened his eyes again and reread the list, Severus was horrified. He wiped the form clean and tried again, trying to keep his mind out of the gutter. He hated staff meetings.