Friday word: Gherkin

Aug 18, 2017 22:32

gherkin, n. gher·kin \ˈgər-kən\

1a : a small prickly fruit used for pickling; also : a pickle made from this fruit

b : the slender annual vine (Cucumis anguria) of the gourd family that bears gherkins

2: the immature fruit of the cucumber especially when used for pickling
West Indian gherkin:

First Known Use: 1661


It was salad with cheese and meat that was topped with slivers of gherkins.
susan selasky,, "Tiny cornichons are big addition to salads and sauces," 30 May 2017


Dutch gurken, plural of gurk cucumber, ultimately from Middle Greek agouros

noun, dutch, g, wordsmith: med_cat

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