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FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 2/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 10:43:11 UTC
Then they were drinking brandy and watching the fire, Charles staring at a book but not reading, Erik making no attempt to hide his private contemplation. The children should be in bed, but Charles's quick and shallow census determined that Hank and Alex were both in the kitchen getting snacks and Raven was taking a walk ( ... )


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:22:20 UTC
I'm flattered, thanks -- and I think Charles, once he got over himself just a little, would make an amazing top.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 19:52:11 UTC
yay submit erik that was perfect!


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:22:29 UTC


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 20:17:24 UTC
okay holy shit, I didn't think I was going to like this prompt but you? you made it perfect. Charles telling him he would never shoot him. oh my god, you killed me. Hot and sad and beautiful and perfect.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:22:53 UTC
this is the best sort of feedback, thank you so much! i'm glad you took a chance and liked it.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 poemwithnorhyme June 5 2011, 21:38:22 UTC
Holy shit. o_o This was amazing.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:23:27 UTC
thank you! I'm really glad you liked it.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 tresa_cho June 6 2011, 01:00:46 UTC
Unf. Good lord. All my kink buttons. All. Of. Them.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:23:52 UTC
Well, we have similar buttons. I'm glad it worked for you!


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 6 2011, 02:21:18 UTC


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:24:00 UTC
heee. glad you liked?


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 sasha_b June 6 2011, 04:05:57 UTC
UMFF. Not something I thought I'd like, but my gods.

Wow. This, so much this.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:26:40 UTC
I'm so pleased it worked for you and that you took a leap of faith and read it! Thank you so much!


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 aldehyde June 6 2011, 05:03:26 UTC
jesus fuck. this fic hit SO MANY of my buttons. thank you SO SO SO much for filling this and kudos to the prompter as well. REREADING THIS A BAJILLION TIMES.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:27:20 UTC
Thank you for reading it! And seriously, thanks to the prompt as well -- that image was so fucking hot that this was inevitable.


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