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FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 8 2011, 15:55:39 UTC
Erik walks the halls with purpose, shoving everyone who tries to get in his way, Raven’s words replaying in his mind. 'His name is Charles Xavier. He’s my brother, and maybe the strongest telepath in this world.' A soldier foolishly attempts to get back up after Erik pushes him down, and Erik summons a gun to shoot him. 'Shaw took him from us when we were young. When Charles managed to contact me before, he told me that Shaw never trusts him to go anywhere alone, and the only time he’s left alone is for punishment.'

He is past the corridors, and is two rooms away from his current goal. He feels a sense of satisfaction when the men in the first one - mere administrators, not a fighting bone in their body - scurry away. Erik knows they won’t interfere, but throws them to the walls anyway. 'And when he’s being punished, they lock him in a little room, with special walls that keep him from being able to touch anyone’s mind.'The door to the second room is thick and heavy - but, indisputably, metal. Erik holds out his arm and crushes ( ... )


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 22 2011, 13:48:50 UTC
Thank you very much! Here's a Charles' POV of it if you want: http://alphera.livejournal.com/2734.html


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 adena_kaiba June 22 2011, 21:24:25 UTC
*squee* Oh, marvelous! \o/ *bounces*

Thank you very much for telling me!


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