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Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 7 2011, 07:20:56 UTC
As in "comes in his face"


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 7 2011, 08:24:57 UTC
But the thought of him smearing oatmeal and avocado all over Erik's face and telling him to sit very still or it won't work and then they watch soap operas and drink mimosas is pretty fucking great too.


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 7 2011, 09:15:40 UTC
lol I'm a total horndog, and the idea of Erik's face being splattered with come is hot like Mexico. But yes yes so much yes to avocado oatmeal facials and soap operas and mimosas and maybe a little gossiping, too.


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 7 2011, 10:13:20 UTC
Sperm is wonderful for the complexion, you know.


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 7 2011, 10:17:31 UTC
Oh? I'll have to add that to my daily beauty regimen. Cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, sperminate!


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 8 2011, 05:25:47 UTC
(OP here) LOL! I adore this thread of comments, and someone else should really go forth a post the request for that other "facial".


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial alphera June 8 2011, 19:02:29 UTC
... the spa in a tropical island mental image won't leave me LOL which leads to this craving for pool boy!Erik (idk where it came from, man)

But yeah. Either kind of fill is good.


Re: Erik/Charles, Charles gives Erik a facial anonymous June 14 2011, 13:08:07 UTC
Actual lol. I think I sounded like a demented witch. Well played, anon.
My mental image has him raising an unimpressed eyebrow and Charles taking oh-so-much-solemn care with applying the mixture oh-so-perfectly and babbling sesquipedalian Oxford-style about the biochemical processes by which the mixture will take effect.


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