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FILL: Fear Death by Water (1/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:14:23 UTC
Fuck these comment limits, seriously, y'all should think about moving this shit to DW.


fear death by waterHank's laboratory has always reminded Charles of nothing more than a controlled disaster area, like the aftermath of a very small, very disciplined tornado. He smiles when he opens the door, and smiles wider when he sees Erik leaning on one of the lab tables across from Hank, saying something that Charles can't make out at this distance. His smile fades as he takes in the defensive lift of Hank's shoulders ( ... )


FILL: Fear Death by Water (2/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:15:52 UTC
He feels slightly guilty, afterwards; he ought to have asked what Hank was talking about with Erik. He thinks he probably knows. But Hank should have the opportunity to work those problems out for himself: he is an exceptional boy, with an exceptional mind. Charles has faith in him.


Dinner passes without incident. Charles runs into Erik again in the hallway leading to the dining room and spreads his hands. "No boils," he says.

"Always the optimist." Erik's hair is still damp, like Charles' own, though he's combed it back into his usual style. A few stray strands curve over the shell of Erik's ear and when Charles takes a breath he realizes he can smell him, a mixture of soap and humidity and cologne ( ... )


FILL: Fear Death by Water (3/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:17:25 UTC
He wakes up and his headache is worse instead of gone, reminiscent of the cheap-liquor hangovers from his university days. He's hot, having kicked off all his bedclothes during the night, and when he squints at himself in the mirror he looks flushed and glazed. He hopes he's not coming down with something, but part of him is already resigned: he feels awful, heavy, suffocated. Filling a glass of water, he swallows two paracetamol.

He washes up by splashing his face and neck with cool water, then runs wet fingers over his scalp in an attempt to tame his hair. It's a familiar ritual, automatic, but this morning he thinks of Erik's fingers on the back of his head, going the wrong way. He loses a small slice of time; when he comes back to himself the cold breeze from the bathroom window has caused the skin on his bare chest to tighten and break out in gooseflesh.

Coming down with something, he thinks grimly, and walks back out of the bathroom to get dressed ( ... )


FILL: Fear Death by Water (4/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:20:33 UTC
One thing that Charles is necessarily excellent at is compartmentalizing. He would have gone insane a long time ago if he hadn't learned to separate out the voices, to put them all away. He puts pieces of himself away as well-control is the key, order, a neatly segmented life. People can mistake this sort of disciple for heartlessness but that couldn't be further from the truth: Charles cares about everyone he meets, he can't not, but this is the way for him to take a potentially fathomless depth of feeling and turn it into something manageable.

It isn't always easy. People are unpredictable by nature; some can evoke reactions in Charles that he doesn't expect, that he has no way to prepare for. Erik was one, a roiling mess of anger and pain and ashy grief, a beautiful, subtle mind, sharp as a knife. When they'd met, Erik had been drowning, and Charles had jumped in after him with barely a thought and now Charles is-

***Drowning. That's what this is like, like he has the weight of the ocean pressing against his chest. His limbs are ( ... )


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (4/6) strzyga June 5 2011, 22:23:01 UTC
aaaaaaaaaaa f5f5f5f5f this is really awesome so far :D


FILL: Fear Death by Water (5/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:22:59 UTC
The night in Virginia is cool, and the steady, quiet buzz of insect life fills Charles' ears as he steps out onto the concrete. I'm surprised you've managed to stay this long, he hears himself say. That was good, he thinks, appropriately casual, suppressing that flare of wild urgency and his sense of self-preservation clanging the alarm bell.

***"I'm sorry," Erik says, shifting in the chair. "We should probably avoid each other. I'll go ( ... )


FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:24:17 UTC
How does a man mark the moment he steps onto the path of ruination?


The fever fizzles away as the sweat dries on their bodies. Erik lies still and watchful; Charles recognizes it for what it is, feels them both try to rebuild the wreckage of their defenses. Hank's voice in his head is an unwelcome shock.

Professor, I'm sorry, I can't figure out what it is-

It's fine, Charles sends back. It's passing. "Erik," out loud, not knowing what he's going to say next until he does: "Stay a while." He closes his mouth and slides his hand over the planes of Erik's back.

"A while," Erik agrees.


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) strzyga June 5 2011, 22:24:53 UTC
okay, yum.


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) anonymous June 5 2011, 22:27:25 UTC


a;lsdkalsd kl ALL THE FEELINGS.


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) kesomon June 5 2011, 23:08:14 UTC
This is fantastic - I love the concern and bit of h/c buildup when Charles is getting sick at first.


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) audrarose June 5 2011, 23:17:41 UTC
Fantastic! :D


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) poemwithnorhyme June 6 2011, 01:09:19 UTC
Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) poptartmuse June 6 2011, 02:20:01 UTC
hnnnngh this is wonderful. nice job!


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) betweenthebliss June 6 2011, 03:22:03 UTC
i............ i think you killed me. this is everything a sex pollen fic should be, and everything a charles/erik fic should be, and fucking gorgeously written besides. you win everything, anon. *__________*;;;


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) oddrid June 6 2011, 07:24:27 UTC
Hnnnnnnng yeesssssssssssssss


Re: FILL: Fear Death by Water (6/6) fatal_drum June 6 2011, 10:27:45 UTC
All I can say is damn and wow and oh my god please I want more of this.


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