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FILL: For The Cause aaido June 9 2011, 06:33:10 UTC
Here we go. Warning you right now....this is long. Very long.

My apologies. Please enjoy!


FILL: For The Cause (Part 1/?) aaido June 9 2011, 06:35:24 UTC
“I need a telepath,” Shaw explained matter-of-factly. “It’s a useful skill to have around.”

Charles didn’t say anything, sitting silent and still in the cold metal chair, gently testing the tightness of the handcuffs snapped around his wrists. They didn’t move on his wrists, chafing slightly as they bit into his flesh. Frustrated, he set his mouth into a firm line, staring up at Shaw. The man was wearing the helmet so he could hear nothing from him, and he was obviously smart enough not to keep other people in this mirrored room with them.

“I’ve heard you’re intelligent, so I’m sure you realise that I’m, ah...” he circled around Charles predatorily, “I’m recruiting you.”

“I feel certain that you won’t want to take ‘no’ for an answer,” Charles sighed.

Shaw grinned, “Sure the helmet’s working? Because it seems almost like you can read my mind.He started laughing and Charles frowned, fidgeting in his uncomfortable seat. He was cold and hungry and his limbs had started to go stiff and ache, but he wasn’t going to let Shaw know that ( ... )


FILL: For The Cause (Part 2/?) aaido June 9 2011, 06:36:11 UTC

The look Shaw gave him did nothing to assuage his worries. “You’re very powerful, aren’t you, Charles?” and the way he drawled his name made Charles feel sick, “I’ve heard all kinds of wonderful things about you.”At Charles’ silence, he continued, “No need to be modest. I know what you can do. Much more than Ms. Frost, Charlie, you can control other people’s minds. You could put ideas in them, change them, erase them.” His pacing about the room had brought him behind Charles, and now he pressed himself against the back of his chair, one hand gripping his hair and yanking his head back. He leaned down so that his lips brushed Charles’ ear as he spoke, “I bet you could kill someone just by thinking about them too hard ( ... )


Re: FILL: For The Cause (Part 2/?) aaido June 13 2011, 01:12:01 UTC


FILL: For The Cause (Part 3/?) aaido June 9 2011, 06:37:25 UTC
That was going to happen now, he knew. There was no way Shaw was just going to start assigning him to whatever missions he sent his mutants on. He must know that Charles was just planning to contact Erik as soon as he was out of this mirrored room. So what was his plan? Though he would like to think of himself as a strong person, Charles knew that really only applied to him as a personality and as a mind. Psychological torture probably wouldn’t work - he hoped - but he was unaccustomed to physical hardship. With some displeasure, he thought about the possibility of physical torture and he worried, wishing that he could somehow reach someone on the outside. Erik would help him if he knew ( ... )


FILL: For The Cause (Part 4/?) aaido June 9 2011, 06:38:08 UTC

“I already know you can find mutants. The first thing I want is for you to find them for me. We need more recruits. Strength in numbers, as they say.”

“I’m not going to recruit people for you,” said Charles, scowling, “I would never want people to join this cause.”

Suddenly a hand was around his throat and he was down on the desk. “This is your cause now!” growled Shaw, pressing down so hard that spots started to explode in Charles’ eyes. He wrapped his own hands around Shaw’s forearm, and kicked at him. His foot connected, but with no force as Shaw absorbed it. Try as he might, he could not budge the older man, as everything he did was simply absorbed. He could feel the edge of unconsciousness creeping up on him, darkness encroaching on his vision. With great effort he pulled his arms up, groping for the helmet that still sat upon Shaw’s head. His short fingernails scraped against it and he managed to knock it slightly off kilter.

Immediately he got a burst of thoughts, angry and loud.

--he’ll be mine i swear to god i’m going to ( ... )


Re: FILL: For The Cause (Part 4/?) poemwithnorhyme June 9 2011, 06:49:47 UTC
Holy Shit! And you thought this was boring? Christ. Good god. Just. you. More? Soon? Yes? (Btw, Shaw is perfectly in character here. Sleazy and a bit of an enigma, but cruel!)


Re: FILL: For The Cause (Part 4/?) kesomon June 9 2011, 07:07:11 UTC
Holy crap, Erik must be pissed off out of his MIND.


Re: FILL: For The Cause (Part 4/?) talitha78 June 9 2011, 15:24:59 UTC
Wow, this is great!


Re: FILL: For The Cause (Part 4/?) bowsie22 June 9 2011, 18:15:18 UTC
Can not WAIT until Eric finds out :D


Re: FILL: For The Cause (Part 4/?) aaido June 12 2011, 08:30:05 UTC


For The Cause (Part 5/?) aaido June 10 2011, 05:20:22 UTC
The next few days passed in boredom and solitude. The mirrored room proved to be unbreakable. In preparation for his arrival, the walls, ceiling and floor had obviously been reinforced and not even swinging the metal chair against them with all his strength would create so much as a crack ( ... )


For The Cause (Part 6/?) aaido June 10 2011, 05:20:46 UTC

The next time he was coherent, he was still lying on the bed, but now on his back. Shaw was sitting next to him, reclining on the bed. He wasn’t wearing the helmet.

Charles’ eyes went wide. He wasn’t wearing the helmet. He stared in disbelief for a moment, shock and hope welling in his chest and nearly drowning out the dull ache in his left temple. He tried not to move, gathering his energy and then reaching out...only to find nothing. It was as if Shaw was still wearing the helmet. Frantic, he tried again, and again, but he was getting nothing from the man sitting next to him. He sucked in a breath, eyes wide and round as he stared at Shaw in horror ( ... )


Re: For The Cause (Part 6/?) poemwithnorhyme June 10 2011, 05:26:48 UTC
I almost just want to let my icon do my speaking for me, because all I can think right now is "OMG *FLAIL*!"

I AM SO EXCITE RIGHT NOW!! I think this idea is utterly brilliant, and I can't wait to read what else you've got planned. *glee*

Edit: Also, I just wanted to say that Shaw's manipulation is perfect here - planting the whole idea that he influences without realizing it; even if that's not true... brilliant! And so Shaw-like.


Re: For The Cause (Part 6/?) aaido June 11 2011, 06:28:19 UTC
Are you trying to make me implode?! For the love of Christ update this story! There should be like an endless stream of this fic. And it looks like things are about to get kinky...i mean crazy with Shaw and Charles. Please update tomorrow. I've been reading this fic obsessively!


Re: For The Cause (Part 6/?) aaido June 13 2011, 06:28:12 UTC


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