Prompt Post: ROUND SEVEN

Jul 24, 2011 19:47



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Charles/Erik, Charles loses his powers AU, or is powerless while Erik retains his own anonymous July 24 2011, 19:06:52 UTC
I want to see Charles without powers, and Erik coming to terms with loving him despite of it. Whether Charles lost his powers due to something like the cure from X3 or never had them in the first place is fine.


Author anonymous August 4 2011, 16:23:34 UTC
Oh, there's always more. :) And your suspicions are probably justified. Charles has a few things he's keeping to himself.

Thank you again for reading and commenting. ♥ It makes my day.


Re: Fill 3b/? papercutperfect August 4 2011, 12:52:06 UTC
Oh this is amazing so far! Really, really excited for the rest.


Author anonymous August 4 2011, 16:24:38 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥ Hopefully I'll have more up soon.


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Author anonymous August 8 2011, 21:13:29 UTC
Thank you! :) Sorry for the wait on this. I hope you continue to enjoy it.


Fill: The Face of All the World Is Changed 4a/? anonymous August 8 2011, 21:15:22 UTC
Author's notes: Sorry for the wait on this. I'm working on five other stories at the moment because I'm insane, and this one took a backseat for a bit because it needed some research. Also, I realized that I made a mistake earlier in this. I forgot that the covert CIA mutant facility is somewhere near Richmond (as per the dialogue in Darwin's recruitment scene), so they would have been living in Virginia at this point, not New York. Sorry about that. But I do have a title now, so that's a plus. More soon.Erik did his best to conceal his confusion at the waves of relief spilling over into his consciousness from Charles as they descended the stairs leading down to the tarmac. In the short time they’d been on this mission, the other man had never shown any signs of distress over flying, and the foreign feelings leeching onto Erik’s own coupled with the way Charles gripped the railing as he carefully stepped down onto the asphalt only served to raise his suspicions. Something was wrong, made all the more worrisome by the fact that Charles ( ... )


Fill: The Face of All the World Is Changed 4b/? anonymous August 8 2011, 21:16:20 UTC
“So you were unable to find him.” It wasn’t a question.

“No, we were able to figure out his location,” Charles responded, shooting Erik a look that he hoped might keep him in check, like he was some sort of dog that needed to be trained. “However, I think he managed to pick up on our presence somehow before we could get the chance to approach him, though I can’t for the life of me figure out how.”

Perhaps it was your projecting, Erik couldn’t help thinking, part of him wondering if Charles was even going to bother picking up on it. Charles hadn’t exactly been in complete control last night, what with him hunched up over the toilet all hours. It was entirely plausible that the mutant they’d been after had picked up on Charles through his projected thoughts and emotions and had simply fled, not wanting to risk detection by the United States government. Not when they were likely to be used as lab rats, in any instance ( ... )


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Author anonymous August 8 2011, 21:38:49 UTC
Thank you. :) Plot points as to Charles's disappearing powers should be coming in soon.


Re: Fill: The Face of All the World Is Changed 4b/? takmarierah August 9 2011, 00:10:47 UTC
Eeeeeee oh no worries about taking a while because I'm just so happy you updated! :D And nice title too by the way.

I wanted to add also that I totally appreciate your research because I too had to look up 1960's flights for a fill and you incorporated that really well! Crazy what airlines used to do. Still loving the character interactions as well of course, especially Charles' little jump when Erik came up behind him and Erik's concern.


Author teacandles August 11 2011, 04:46:46 UTC
Thanks! It's from the first line of a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I thought it was fitting. :)

I'm kind of a research nut when I get into writing something. I have trouble writing about subjects I'm unfamiliar with, so I go and attempt to make myself as familiar as possible with them, so I don't look like a complete fool when I post something. 1960s America is one of those subjects that left me in the dark. The scene actually started out much more modern in tone, but then I realized that I was doing it wrong and that flying was probably a different experience then than it is now. Turns out I was right. They really did do some crazy stuff, didn't they?

Thank you so much for continuing to follow this. ♥ Hopefully I can get more out in a timely manner.


Re: Author teacandles August 11 2011, 04:49:37 UTC
Aaaaand I just anon-failed, didn't I? :|

Ah well. It was bound to happen sooner or later.


Re: Fill: The Face of All the World Is Changed 4b/? tawabids August 9 2011, 02:01:23 UTC
I just found this, and I can't wait for more! Your writing is very engaging!


Author anonymous August 11 2011, 04:44:33 UTC
Oh wow, thank you! I hope to have more out in the next day or so.


Re: Fill: The Face of All the World Is Changed 4b/? kathrynparis August 9 2011, 04:52:12 UTC
Loving this! But poor Charles. Can't wait to see what happens next! Please do continue soon:)


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