MiSTERY - "Practical Application of Kinetics", Kouhei/Shii/Daisuke

Feb 09, 2010 16:14

Practical Application of Kinetics
Miura Kouhei/Shimizu Tadayoshi/Endou Daisuke, NC-17, 2130 words.
Warning for, uh. Threesome, very slight D/s and piercingkink. I pick on Shii because I love him.

This is supposed to be on some tour or other, idk. Title is honestly just a result of having written most of this in physics class. The phrase "hips-inna-circle-with-your-hand-down-flat thing" belongs to the wonderful mousapelli, I AM SORRY FOR STEALING IT but it's such a perfect description I couldn't help myself. ;; Also, there is a tiny horrible (actually unintentional) lyrical reference in here somewhere, see if you can find it but only if you are Ginny because it is like her favorite song. Please to be pointing out errors because I DO NOT WANT TO LOOK AT THIS THING ANYMORE.

Shimizu Tadayoshi is not a bad dancer. He just happens to be... flexibility-challenged.

"You're making us look retarded," Rikudo snaps, throwing up his hands in irritation. "How is it possible for you to suck so hard at this?"

Shii glares up at Rikudo from the undignified sprawling Shii-and-Masaki tumble of skinny idol limbs on the floor. "Fuck you, Riku-chan," he says, too tired for a proper comeback. "Fuck you, and I hope you slip and fall off the stage into a bunch of fangirls."

Masaki untangles himself from his bandmate - with some difficulty, mostly of the accidentally-elbowing-Shii-in-the-face sort - and leans down to help him up.

"We can try this, ne," Masaki suggests, maneuvering Shii so that he's pressed against his back, hands on Shii's hips, and executes a slow, perfect bodyroll, forcing Shii to move with him.

"That was even worse, Shii-chan," Tsukamoto says seriously. Rikudo cracks up.

Shii scowls at them both and shakes a giggly Masaki off of him. "You're all jerks," he says, with dignity, and stalks off.

MiSTERY's tousan and kaasan are at the far end of the rehearsal studio, leaning against each other on the sofa, either already done with their practice (Daisuke) or too tired to care (Kouhei). Shii flops down next to them, pillowing his head in Daisuke's lap. Kouhei smiles. "What's up, Tadacchi?"

"Riku-chan and Tsuka-chan are bitches," Shii says piteously. Daisuke strokes his hair. "And not even Ma-kun can help, because I'm a total failure and I'm going to make everyone look bad."

"Hmm," Kouhei says. He catches Daisuke's eye and gives a tiny nod in Shii's direction. Daisuke raises his eyebrows ever so slightly. Kouhei grins. Shii hates when they do their weird married-couple-psychic-connection thing.

"Meet us in the hotel room later," Daisuke says quietly. "Kouhei and I will see what we can do." He flashes Shii a sly little smile.


Daisuke's idea bounces off the walls of Shii's brain for the rest of the rehearsal, and there's already a little warm curl of anticipation in his stomach by the time he tells Masaki not to wait up and finds himself standing outside Kouhei and Daisuke's hotel room after dinner that night.

Kouhei opens the door wearing his reading glasses, his layers pinned back from his face with little pink clips, and Shii has to admit it's somehow weirdly attractive. He supposes it's his leader kink talking. "Tadacchi," Kouhei says, and the sleepy, secretive grin is back as he moves aside to let Shii in. "Nice of you to join us."

"Far be it from me to refuse a request from our fearless Leader-sama," Shii teases, noticing both small hotel beds pushed together. Even if he had no idea what his two oldest bandmates were planning, that probably would have been the first clue. That, and the half-naked Daisuke sprawled out across them.

Endou Daisuke is gorgeous. Shii has never stopped to wonder if that's a weird thing to think about another guy, because all of MiSTERY (and probably everyone else in the company, and quite possibly most of Japan) agrees that Dai's hotness transcends gender. He's even more breathtaking laid out like this, half-asleep, his muscles toned from years of dance and the tiny ponytail at the nape of his neck just peeking out from behind his shoulder.

Of course, the first thing anyone notices when faced with a shirtless Daisuke isn't either of these. The first thing anyone notices is the flash of emerald green at his navel, the one Shii's had dreams about playing with, imagining Daisuke's face, the noises he'd make as Shii toyed with the tiny crystal stud. His breath catches in his throat.

Kouhei laughs, a low, amused sound behind Shii that makes the warmth spreading through his body burn a little brighter. He hears the door close and and lock, and then Kouhei presses against his back, sliding his hands into Shii's pockets, his words hot on the back of Shii's neck. "So," Kouhei drawls. "Dance practice, huh~?"

Shii tries to stifle the shudder that runs through him. "Masaki already tried that," he says, biting his lip as Kouhei presses a kiss to the side of his neck.

"Ma-kun only tried it from one side," Daisuke says, and Shii turns back toward the beds. The second eldest is leaning up on his elbows, eyes half-lidded, watching Kouhei and Shii with an obvious interest that makes heat rise in Shii's face. "I think we should take the lesson a step farther."

He lifts himself off the bed in one fluid ripple, moving gracefully across the room toward them, and Shii is reminded just why Daisuke is their lead dancer. Daisuke molds his body against Shii's, letting the warmth of his bare skin sink through Shii's clothes, making him freeze. This is moving too fast-

"Just relax," Daisuke murmurs, a smile in his voice, and Shii lets himself melt into Daisuke's kiss.

Daisuke is a really good kisser, to the point where Shii nearly forgets about the other man behind him until Kouhei slips his hands inside Shii's shirt, tracing the lines of his body and making his breath catch. "Let us take care of you, Tadacchi," Kouhei says, and Shii can hear the smirk. With a speed perfected by years of quick costume changes, the two of them have Shii's clothes off in no time. He barely has a chance to feel self-conscious before Daisuke pulls him down onto the bed and steals his lips again.

"Can I?" Shii asks softly when Daisuke lets him come up for air, trailing one finger from the hollow of Daisuke's throat down his chest, stopping to trace a circle around his piercing.

"You have to ask?" Daisuke laughs, but the sound is swallowed by a moan as Shii rolls the bit of metal between two fingers. "Oh my god do that again."

"He's always been really sensitive there," Kouhei calls from across the room, where he's digging through his bag. "Dai, where the hell did you put the lube from earlier?"

"You were the one who had it las- Fuck!" Daisuke arches into Shii's touch with a little noise of frustration. "I'm going to come all over myself if you keep that up, and then this whole thing will be totally ruined, Shii-chan, and it'll be all your fault."

"Not that I'm not, you know, enjoying this," Shii says, somewhat breathlessly, "but I was under the impression that you two were going to be helping me."

"You want to learn to not suck so badly," Kouhei snickers. "Daisuke knows a lot about that. Don't you, Dai?"

"Oh, fuck you," Daisuke snorts, and works a hand into Shii's hair before anyone can make the obvious joke, pushing him gently downward just in case he doesn't get the hint. Shii wastes no time in getting Daisuke's jeans and boxers out of the way and wrapping his lips around Daisuke's cock.

"Try that on his piercing next time, it'll drive him crazy," Kouhei comments, offhand.

"Stop - oh hell yes, like that - stop telling the kouhai everything, they'll just abuse the knowledge." Only Daisuke, Shii thinks, could find the breath to complain in the middle of a blowjob.

"Ah, found it!" Kouhei announces from right behind them. "Hold still, Tadacchi."

Shii feels Kouhei's hand on his lower back, steadying him, and then a slick finger presses inside him and he cries out, taking more of Daisuke into his mouth than he meant to. Daisuke chokes out a moan as Shii gags around his cock, his fingers tightening, tangling Shii's hair even further.

"How about a little warning next time?!" Shii pulls away, spluttering and coughing. "You are so lucky we're not performing tomorrow, Dai-nii."

Daisuke strokes Shii's hair, murmuring apologies and comforts as Kouhei stretches him, pleading softly for Shii to keep touching him and purring a "yes" when Shii lets the head of Daisuke's cock slide back into his mouth.

"You'll have to be more careful, Dai-chan," Kouhei chides, only half-seriously, as he pushes in a third finger and Shii's eyes roll back in his head. "You don't want to break him. Not yet, anyway."

The images Shii's filthy betrayer of a mind conjures up at those words, combined with Kouhei's fingers curling inside him, brushing lightly just there has him moaning again, his throat vibrating around Daisuke's cock.

"Shii." Daisuke hisses a warning as his hips buck forward, nearly choking Shii again. "Kouchan, come on, I'm gonna-"

"Yeah." Kouhei pulls back, withdrawing his fingers just as Daisuke gets Shii's mouth off his cock, and Shii actually whimpers at the sudden emptiness. His leader's voice is rough, strained with lust. "Which one of us do you want?"

Shii blinks, dazed. "Huh?"

"Who do you want to fuck you," Daisuke clarifies, breathless. Shii hesitates - he hadn't really been expecting them to ask - and Daisuke laughs at the indecision in his face. "Don't worry," he says. "I'm flexible."

"In more ways than one," Kouhei says with a grin.

"And anyway," Daisuke continues, pinching Kouhei's thigh to shut him up, "maybe we can share you next time," and the thought of that, of both Kouhei and Daisuke moving together inside him pulls a low moan from Shii's lungs. "But right now you only get to pick one."

Shii bites his lip. "Kouhei," he says. "I want Kouhei."

"Leader kink," Daisuke mouths, nodding wisely, and Shii gives another vicious tug on his piercing, making him shriek. "Fuck, Shii, what did I say about doing that!?"

Kouhei reaches around to squeeze some lube onto Shii's fingers. "Make it quick, okay?"

"Kouchan's too impatient," Daisuke says, then cuts himself off with a hiss as Shii pushes one finger inside him.

"And Dai-nii talks too much," Shii retorts, adding another finger and leaning down to cut off Daisuke's protests with his mouth.

Shii tries not to rush, but Kouhei is demanding and Daisuke is wanton, and it's not long before Daisuke is writhing beneath him, pushing back against Shii's fingers.

"Come on," Daisuke gasps. "Do it."

And Shii does as he's told like a good kouhai - he slides into Daisuke, nails digging into his hips, and god, it's so good he thinks he might lose it right then and there. Daisuke's tight and hot and incredible and he just wants to-

"Don't move."

Shii freezes. Daisuke gives a little whine of protest, but stops when he catches the look on Kouhei's face.

"You really want this, Tadayoshi?" His first name, spoken in that low, commanding tone that they so rarely get to hear, combined with the head of Kouhei's cock pressing hot against him. Shii can't wait any longer.

"Yes," he breathes, twisting backward to meet Kouhei's eyes, "fuck yes, I want it. Now, Leader, please."

His bandmates share a glance over his shoulder, and Kouhei laughs, pressing a kiss to his shoulderblade, and pushes in hard and deep just as Daisuke rolls his hips upward and tightens around Shii.

"Oh, fuck," he groans, "stop reading each other's minds, you jerks, it's not fair."

"Life's not fair," Kouhei growls, setting a rhythm that has Shii letting out breathy little moans with every roll of his leader's hips. "Fuck, you haven't done this in a while, have you?"

Shii would inform him - with some indignation - that they've all been a little busy lately, but then Kouhei shifts, changing their angle a little, and Daisuke lets out the sluttiest moan Shii's ever heard that didn't come from Masaki, scrabbling at Shii's shoulders in desperation. "There, come on, fuck, don't stop don't stop!"

He's so close it hurts now, but he snaps his hips forward again, hitting Daisuke right where he wants it, and it's not really a surprise when Daisuke is the first to lose it, biting down on a scream and making the tightness around Shii's cock almost unbearable. "Don't pull out," Daisuke gasps, "just stay right there. Kouchan, please," and Shii doesn't have time to ask why before he's coming too, Daisuke's body jolting with aftershock beneath him as Kouhei fucks him through his orgasm.

He collapses forward onto Daisuke, gasping for breath, barely registering when Kouhei swears softly and spills inside him. "Gross," Daisuke says with satisfaction, dragging one finger through the mess on his stomach and wincing a little as Shii gingerly pulls back. Kouhei mumbles something that sounds like "how much longer until you can go again" against the back of Shii's neck.

"Oh, god, you're both freaks," Shii says in abject horror, and Daisuke laughs and starts fluttering light little kisses down his arm.


Kouhei yawns and surveys his bandmates: Tsukamoto practicing the hips-inna-circle-with-your-hand-down-flat thing that he is getting entirely too good at, Masaki sprawled out on the couch and offering choreography suggestions that Daisuke is probably going to kill him for, Rikudo shouting that Shii looks even more retarded now, what the hell did he do, sleep on a pile of rocks?

"Well, at least we tried," Kouhei sighs. Daisuke pats his back comfortingly.

"YOU BOTH SUCK," Shii says loudly, then shrieks as Rikudo violently tries to adjust his posture and something in his back cracks again.

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