FFXII - "Launch One Shot, Partner", Vaan/Penelo

Dec 17, 2009 17:49

Launch One Shot, Partner
Final Fantasy XII
Vaan/Penelo, R, 810 words.
WARNING: GENDERSWAP. Wrote this for Saki back in England. Like. Five months ago, what the hell. ._.;; Title comes from a completely irrelevant song that I just happen to like a whole lot and that probably two other people on my flist have heard.

"This is all your fault, you know," Vaan informed Penelo as the two of them made their way back to the Strahl.

Penelo sputtered. "My fault?!"

"If you paid more attention to what magicks you buy-"

"It looked like Curaga, it felt like Curaga, how was I supposed to know it wasn't Curaga?!" Penelo shot back. "And maybe if you hadn't been so busy leering at that trader girl's chest, you might have noticed something was wrong!"

"Hey, I wasn't-" Vaan turned to face Penelo in an attempt to argue properly, but only succeeded in bumping into her and bouncing off.

Well. Not exactly 'her' at the moment.

Penelo had been doing well about the not-staring-at-Vaan's-new-rack thing, she - he? - thought. Up until now, anyway. The vest covered absolutely nothing, and although they'd tried to pin it closed, it hadn't done much good. Vaan was - well. They weren't massive, but they certainly weren't small. Bigger than mine, that's for sure, Penelo thought, with a sudden pang of envy. They were so perfect, too, perky and shapely and oh, the way they moved when she talked-

Talking. Right. Penelo snapped his gaze away, but it was too late. "And I seriously- aw, jeez, Penelo!" Vaan hugged her arms around her chest and glared. This, of course, only served to make her cleavage that much more pronounced. "Quit staring!"

"Put a shirt on or something, then!" Penelo hissed, suddenly very, very glad that they were in the middle of the desert instead of back in Rabanastre.

"Then just... I don't know, switch clothes with me or someth-" Vaan trailed off, eyes going slightly wide. "Uh, Penelo?"

Penelo blinked and followed her gaze downward. "What are you- oh. Oh." Well. This was embarrassing. No wonder his leathers kept getting more and more uncomfortable. "Um."

"You've only been a boy for what, twenty minutes?" Vaan teased. Penelo's face flushed bright red, and he opened his mouth to shoot back a reply, but Vaan cut him off, looking thoughtful. And Penelo knew from experience that a thoughtful Vaan was a promise of terrible things to come.

"You know," she began. "I could totally take care of that for you."

"You- you what- Vaan!" Penelo nearly shrieked, a little shocked and a little turned on and very quickly losing control of the situation. "You can't just-"

"Well, why not?" Vaan shot back. "It's not like I've never jerked myself off, how hard can it be to do it to someone else?" But for all her confidence, Vaan was blushing just as brightly as Penelo.

"We're in a desert, Vaan, there isn't exactly a place to- hey!" Penelo found himself being dragged behind one of the boulders that lay here and there throughout the sand, and before he could argue, Vaan already had his zipper half down. "Vaan, slow down!"

"Just relax, okay?"

Penelo shivered. Vaan grinned and ran her thumb over the head of Penelo's cock, slowly, teasingly, and Penelo's eyes fluttered shut. "Oh, you idiot," he groaned. "Vaan, please!"

"First I'm going too fast, now I'm going too slow," she huffed. "Jeez, Penelo, make up your mind already." But she complied, moving her hand in earnest, and Penelo moaned, his hips rolling forward seemingly of their own accord.

A high, frustrated whine cut through the haze clouding Penelo's senses, and he looked down to see Vaan rocking her hips against his thigh, her movements desperate. Penelo grinned. "Need some help, Vaan?"

Vaan tried to scowl, but it ended up looking less angry and more 'do me hard'. "Y-yeah, okay," she gasped, then let out a moan, breath hitching as Penelo's hand slipped into her pants.

Vaan may have been the quick-fingered pickpocket, but Penelo's hands were no less clever. They drew out little keening shrieks and helpless gasps, and it was Vaan that lost control first, shaking so hard Penelo had to hold her up to keep her standing, back arched and toes curled and and head thrown back. It was a beautiful sight, and combined with the slow jerks of Vaan's hand as she came down from her high, it was enough to bring Penelo over the edge.

Penelo leaned back against the rock face, Vaan beside him, the two of them breathing in short gasps, sweaty and drained and entirely content. "Told you," Vaan said smugly, then licked a smear of Penelo's come off her hand. "Ew. Tastes nasty."

Penelo threw a handful of sand at her.


When they finally returned to the Strahl, they were greeted with the sight of Balthier, now sporting significantly less height and significantly more curves, and Fran, whose considerable endowments seemed to have translated into endowment elsewhere, completely naked in the pilot's seat.

"Oh, hello, you two," Balthier gasped, letting out another throaty moan as Fran thrust up into her. "Thought this might - ah - have been your doing. Care to - yes, right there - care to join us?"

Neither Vaan nor Penelo even considered "no" as an answer.

ffxii: abs and asses and blonds, porn porn porn, omg het, fic, the world needs more genderswap

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