In which I fail to pretend I have any modicum of shame.

Nov 01, 2009 02:01

You know what, I don't even care anymore.


Tatsuya blinks slowly, still floating somewhere between consciousness and perfection.

"Tatchan, come on, wake up."

That's strange. Tatsuya finds the source of the voice calling his name, and it's a familiar face, but then again, it's one he's never seen. There should be a smile there, shouldn't there? "Taguchiiii," he slurs, still trying to focus. "Taguchi?"

"It's me, Tatchan," Taguchi says. He's smiling now, but it's not one of the smiles Tatsuya is used to. "Are you okay?"

Taguchi doesn't wait for an answer, which is probably a good thing, because Tatsuya isn't sure he could give one. He feels the taller man's arms wrap around him, pulling Tatsuya up from where he's curled against the dumpsters - in his defense, there had been some old blankets and it was warm there, why is Taguchi taking him somewhere else? - and letting him slump against Taguchi's shoulder.

"Cold," Tatsuya mumbles, trying to snuggle closer and absorb some of Taguchi's body heat. Taguchi watches him for a long moment, and there's something in his eyes that Tatsuya can't read.

"Come on," Taguchi says. "Let's go home."

Sometimes I hate Slush a lot. D:

ueda is a fairy princess, things i will regret in the morning, fic, je: repo!junkie au, this is an rps warning, that crazy taguchi fangirl

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