[Air Gear] - Sano/Kazu - To The Victor

May 18, 2009 21:57

Title: To The Victor
Fandom: Air Gear
Pairing: Sano Yasuyoshi x Mikura Kazuma
Rating: NC-17 /o/
Warnings: Blowjobs! Of the guy on guy variety! Mild coercion and vague shota or something. Oh! And lots of swearing because Kazu has a filthy mouth. ~o~
Theme/Dedication: The aftermath of the cube battle. I dedicate this to CELI because Kazu is her favoritest, and PERO because she got me into this damn fandom and made me ship this stupid pairing. *fistshake*
Word Count: 1420. I am so proud you have no idea.
Nota Bene: Been kicking this idea around for a while. And I like to think I'm getting better at writing porns? Maybe? And maybe this will inspire people to go read Air Gear. *HOPES AGAINST HOPE*

He knows everyone's gonna be heading back to Ikki's place now for some serious partying. Shit, it's not like they haven't earned it. There'll be booze if someone can grab some while Rika-nee and Mikan-nee aren't paying attention, and then toasts and probably video games and somebody - probably him - will get sent out to pick up ramen at one AM.

And there'll be sympathy. It'll be "Shit, Kazu. Tough break, man, you did good," and "You'll do it next time, yeah?" and probably a "Train harder, lazyass!" from Agito for good measure. And that's not a problem. He'll keep his cool, laugh it off, maybe punch Ikki in the face a few times. He can deal with that.

But fuck, he doesn't think he can deal with it right now.

The stupid arena's got hundreds of tunnels, mostly empty at this point, and Kazu picks one at random. It's dark, it's quiet, and most importantly it's lacking in Kogarasumaru. He can't face them like this. Fuck, it was bad enough just to watch the rest of the matches with them. They can talk it out later; right now Kazu just wants to be alone.

And the stupid fucking universe won't even give him that. He hasn't been sitting there ten minutes when he hears footsteps. A-T footsteps. Kazu doesn't raise his head - it's gotta be one of the team, out looking for him. "Go ahead, I'll be there in a few," he says.

There's no response. But the footsteps have stopped, somewhere off to his left and not far away. Kazu gets that knot in his stomach, the one that means shit's gonna go down. He looks up, scrambling to his feet. "Ikki?"

It's not pitch black in the tunnel; there's some light coming in from the main arena, just enough to see by, a little brighter under the half-burned-out fixtures spaced randomly along the ceiling. And there's someone standing there, too close by, someone tall and slender and Kazu sees the dim light glinting off a pair of glasses.


This is why you don't tell yourself that things can't get worse. Why hadn't he just gone with the rest of the team? This isn't gonna end well; they'll be visiting both him and Agito in the hospital. Or worse.

Kazu shifts into a ready stance, every nerve in his body prepared to kick ass or get the fuck out of there. But the Aeon Clock doesn't move, doesn't make a sound - just stands there, totally calm, like he doesn't even notice there's someone else nearby.

And if there's one thing Kazu hates, it's being ignored. He rushes Sano, trying to get in even one punch or kick or anything, but before he even reaches his target, Kazu knows he's screwed. He's so fucking furious that he forgets about all the damage that the bastard caused earlier and it's coming back to bite him in the ass. There's pain lancing through his body, and Kazu can fucking feel the wound on his head opening up again, and the kick he tried to aim at Sano's face goes wide.

He barely manages to keep from falling flat on his face when the Aeon Clock makes his move. The redhead's still faster than anyone Kazu's ever met, and in the blink of an eye he's got Kazu pinned against the wall of the tunnel, just under one of those lights. Kazu can't hold in a hiss of pain as the concrete smacks against a cut on the back of his leg.

But Sano's not doing anything. He's just holding Kazu there, watching him, and damn it, that's even creepier. Kazu tries to twist away, aiming an elbow at Sano's stomach, but it's like the fucker can read minds. Before he can even get his arm free-

Oh, fuck, Agito really was right when he told them about the Aeon Clock and Kazu seriously should have believed him. Because now the creepy bastard's crushing their lips together, and reaching down to undo the button on Kazu's jeans, and man, he is so gonna get raped here. Kazu tries to struggle against the hand gripping his wrists together over his head, but it's useless, because-

Because the hand's suddenly not there. Sano's kneeling in front of him, and Kazu can't see his face but he knows the jackass is smirking. And oh, fuck, when did Sano get his zipper open? Kazu tries to shove him away and run-

And then, suddenly, he's not sure he wants to.

"Oh, fuck." The redhead's mouth is hot and slick and a thousand times better than anything Kazu's ever felt before and it takes all of his willpower to keep his hips from jerking forward. He tries to hang on to the tunnel wall, but there's nothing to get a hold of and he settles for awkwardly twining his fingers in the Aeon Clock's hair. And now he's uncomfortably aware that he has no idea what he's doing.

See, people forget Kazu is the smart one. He plans shit. But there was no way in hell he could be prepared for this. And come on, who the hell planned for a stranger dropping to his knees and sucking your cock, anyway.

Well, okay, besides Akito. And maybe Ikki too, if those noises coming from the crow's room lately mean what Kazu thinks they do. But ew, he seriously doesn't want to think about his best friend like that and it's not the point he was trying to make in the first place. The point he was t-

Kazu never figures out what point, if any, he was trying to make, because Sano chooses that moment to flick his tongue against the head of his cock. Kazu shivers, his breath hitches, and damn it, he thought he had more stamina than this, but apparently sucking cock is second nature or something to Sano, because he's just that good.

You wouldn't think somebody could smirk with a mouthful of dick, but somehow the Aeon Clock manages it. And Kazu can tell - there's something in his eyes, even if they're hard to see with the glare from the light on his glasses - he can tell the bastard's planning something. And then Sano tilts his head back and moans like a porn star and Kazu can't keep his hips from bucking that time. Sano's got a hand in between his own legs, and Kazu really wishes he hadn't seen that, because somehow the thought that the bastard's actually getting off on this is just turning him on more.

And Kazu realizes, holy hell, he's actually fucking Sano Yasuyoshi's throat and the son of a bitch is enjoying it.

Kazu's not sure if that's what sets him off, but something sure as hell does, because then he's tightening his fingers in Sano's hair, trembling and gasping - and wow, he must sound like such a girl - and coming in the Aeon Clock's mouth. And the creepy bastard actually swallows.

Sano straightens up, staring down at him with eyes that Kazu can't read. Kazu's still coming down from his high, breathing hard, his heart's hammering against his ribcage like some frantic little bird, and-

And oh shit, that's why. The Aeon Clock's still got him pinned against the concrete and Kazu can feel that he's still hard, and he knows what's coming next. He's gonna want some kind of payback. Kazu opens his mouth to protest and wow, that's a bad idea. The jackass must be fucking with time again because he's got one hand on the small of Kazu's back and the other tangled in his hair in about a second. Like Kazu's some kind of romance novel damsel. Fuck.

He'd complain, but his mouth's a little busy - the bastard's taking full advantage of his parted lips, because Kazu can taste his own come on the Aeon Clock's tongue and goddamn, that is beyond freaky but also one of the hottest things he's ever done. Had done to him. Something.

He's ready to tear the creepy fucker a new one, but when Sano pulls away, Kazu's response is less eloquent than he'd hoped. He makes a little garbled noise that sounds kind of like what and a bit like why with maybe a touch of fuck you sprinkled on top.

The redhead says something very quietly that Kazu's ears can't quite pick up. Smirking, he adjusts his glasses, wipes his mouth on his wrist, and skates off. Just like that. Kazu stares after him in mild outrage.

He's not entirely sure what the Aeon Clock said, but it sounded like "Your prize."

porn porn porn, my fandom has rollerblades, fic, sano/kazu

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