Jun 17, 2008 17:37

It seems like there's a kink meme for every fandom these days. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what it is, but for those of you who live under rocks, I'll clarify. A kink meme is where one (usually) anonymously posts a pairing and a kink, and someone else (again, usually) anonymously writes it. So I decided that we needed one. DON'T HURT ME IT'S ALL SLUSH'S FAULT. D:

Drop me a line at if there's any problems. (YEAH I KNOW MY EMAIL'S RETARDED. STFU.)

NOTE: Please don't request anything that will get me in serious trouble with Eljay. I'm not going to ban shota and loli unless it becomes an issue, but...keep it above the age of thirteen, plz? IT'S LEGAL IN ITALY AND JAPAN OKAY JEEZ

NOTE THE SECOND: "Nothing that will squick the entire fandom. Mild squick is one thing but...yeah." THOSE ARE SLUSH'S WORDS NOT MINE SO YOU CAN'T YELL AT ME. :D

~Anonymous is not strictly required, but it makes things more fun. XD
~Considering how TINY our dearly beloved fandom is, requests for just pairings are okay. But please at least give a prompt, fetish or otherwise.
~Speaking of which, porn is NOT required. (Maybe this is more of a fanfic meme than a kink meme?) Gen, fluff, etc. are perfectly fine. In the words of teh_slush, "IT'S JOJO'S - WE NEED ALL THE FIC WE CAN GET."
~One fight at a time request per comment. But feel free to fill out a request that has already been written! Just...remember that there are others that haven't been filled yet. :D
~Flames, bitchery, and wank will be courteously escorted to the Land of DELETE.
~Art is welcomed and encouraged! I'M LOOKING AT YOU TAPE I mean what.
~The MASTER LIST OF KINK MEMES, for all the other fandoms you may be interested in.
~ Here is a list of kinks if you need inspiration.
~CONTRIBUTE. FOR THE LOVE OF DIO. If you make a request, PLEASE take the time to fill someone else's. If it's all requests and no fic, that's not any fun at all!

And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pimp this out. XD

fic, kink meme lol, jojo's bizarre adventure needs moar love

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