Title: Know That I
Disclaimer: Not my characters - except for one or two. The rest of the ladies and gentleman contained herein belong to entities with a higher pay grade. Thanks for allowing li’l ole me to play; I promise to return them as I found them…just like the tools I borrowed from dad when I was a kid. Also, this is unbeta’d so…mistakes are really all me. Sorry about that.
Fandom: Women’s Murder Club - TV show only.
Pairing: Lindsay/Cindy, Jill/OC.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: An old college friend of Cindy’s moves to town and shakes things up.
A/N: Happy WMC Day. This is the start of my offering for today. The idea for this has been rattling around but hasn’t really gelled the way I’d like. So for now, I give you chapter 1 with a promise for more very soon (two weeks tops) or as soon as this blasted case of writer’s block clears up. Hopefully posting this will get me going again. Take care everyone and to all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day as well.
Know That I
She Promises a Show2.
Serve As Fuel3.
On a Wire4.
These Draining Seconds5.
Disgraceful, Crazy, Absentminded6.
Eye to Eye7.
Waiting and Wishing8.
Pieces and Parts9.
Empty the Sky10.
As I settle11.
Sinking Like Sand