Title: Devils & Gods
Fandom: Nikki & Nora
Pairing: Nikki & Nora
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Nikki & Nora are not mine, but it kinda feels like they are. The characters from the pilot aren't either. BUT - there's a whole lot of original ones that are in this little story so...*yay* for me.
Author’s Note: There are a few things to get out of the way before you start reading (this is gonna be a longish one):
First: There's dialogue directly taken from
Putting the Damage On - not a lot of it, but some. You really don't have to read that story to read this one, but it can't hurt. I reference the happenings there quite a bit as it is a direct continuation of the piece.
Second: Generally, I write from only Nikki's and Nora's POVs. This is one also contains Ann's. To make it a little easier to follow, each chapter is character specific. The pattern is as such: Nora, Ann, Nikki, Nora, Ann, Nikki... I wasn't going to at first, but then well, since this is as much Ann's story as it is Nikki and Nora's it felt like the right thing to do. I hope you don't mind too much.
Third: I warned you it was long...and vague disclaimer's are no one's friend...We are here, the last of this series. I've no plans for another Nikki & Nora story after this (feel free to spit and sputter my way) and that's mainly due to this series occupying the brain space available for plot development. I can with 70% certainty state that in terms of the world created here...this is the end.
Lastly, this story is about three years in the making. At the end, I hope I've did the characters here a bit of justice and yinz all have enjoyed the ride. If this doesn't satisfy you, blame DocWho, she's responsible for planting the seed for PtDO. :P
I'm done now. thanks!
Devils & Gods
Riddled Savageries2.
Plant Your Hope3.
Feel the Tide4.
Fall Short5.
Wasted Grace6.
Violent Amends7.
Corrupted By the Simple8.
Skeptical Heart9.
Dark Is Whole10.
Stuck It In11.
Rip Current12.
Epilogue - How We Bow