Title: Another Rainy Day
Fandom: Jossverse
Pairing Faith/River
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. These ladies belong to other people. I’m toying with them for a bit of recreational fun and to challenge my sanity.
Summary: River just likes to dance.
Another Rainy Day
River stared out into the storm darkened sky and listened. Her head tilted towards the bathroom where Faith was finishing up her shower. River knew she’d only be a few more moments. She turned her attention to the storm outside, the thunder clapped and rain pelted the glass of the window.
She knew the storm would clear up within the hour so she turned her attention to Faith’s iPod. River still wasn’t quite used to some of the technology in this time, but she tried to not let it upset her too much.
She eyed the device Faith called a docking station, which just made her think of Serenity, and identified the music coming from the speakers. The mix that was playing she had named The Slayer Simmer Down mix. It worked on Buffy just the same.
Melodic harmonies, soft tempo and soulful voices were the mainstay. It never failed to make River want to gather Faith in her arms and sway around wherever they were at when she listened to it. Stretching out of the spot along the window bench, she danced and spun across the room to turn the volume up a little higher. She closed her eyes and moved to the music.
Faith came sauntering out of the bathroom, a puff of steam and warm air announcing her presence. River didn’t bother opening her eyes as she swayed along to the sounds. Instead, she twirled around and gathered Faith in her arms.
“Riv,” Faith growled, but allowed herself to be divested of the towel wrapped around her body.
River finally opened her eyes, brushed a strand of damp hair away from Faith’s eyes and grinned. “Dance with me,” she demanded gently.
“I’m naked,” Faith stated obviously.
River looked up, wiggled her eyebrows and began to move them in a slow waltz around their room. “I know,” she giggled against a bare shoulder.