Title: Let’s Get It On
Fandom: Jossverse
Pairing Illyria/Glorificus
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. These ladies belong to other people. I’m toying with them for a bit of recreational fun and to challenge my sanity.
Summary: Some wining and dining hell god style.
Let’s Get It On
“Is everything prepared?” Illyria asked one of the servants.
The servant looked around to survey the room, the requested food was laid out, the lighting and linens on the bed were all to his mistress specifications. All was done. All was well.
He was only left with the small hope that his services would not be needed for the rest of the evening.
“Leave,” Illyria demanded, hooking a thumb behind her. She spun around watching him scurry from the room, head bowed, shoulders drooped. Glorificus was right. A good minion knows his place.
She was pleased.
“I assume there’s a reason you requested me in this disgusting sack of bones?” Glorificus asked as she strode through the entrance. The smile on Illyria’s face was instantaneous.
Illyria smirked and let her eyes travel down the hell god’s form. She had done as Illyria requested, taken up in her human form and wore the red silk dress she had given her. She stepped towards the device Gunn had called an iPod and hit play.
The music began amongst the sounds of the beings’ screams and cries. Humans, it was there lot in life to suffer. She had no particular feelings about speeding that along. Besides, Glorificus enjoyed a good torture as much as the next hell god. Illyria’s intent tonight was to please the being and she thought this would.
Glory recognized the music when Illyria stepped forward to wrap her arms around her waist. Dropping her head to the soft flesh of her partner’s neck, she suckled. Glory arched her head back and giggled, “Marvin Gaye, Illyria? Really?”