Tin Man Glitch/Cain Slash

Jan 09, 2011 21:54

Fandom: Tin Man
Pairing: Wyatt Cain/Ambrose
Theme set: Gamma
Title: Headcase
Rating: PG-13
Warning[s]: M/M relationship
Notes: Not mine. Don’t own

1. Ring- No one seemed to notice that the band on his finger changed from gold to silver.

2. Hero- Everyone thought that it was Wyatt and DG that were the hero’s, but he knew that without Glitch they wouldn’t have stood a chance.
3. Memory-He knew that whenever his memories slipped away, Wyatt would be there to put them back together.

4. Box-He knew better than to touch the box that contained some of Adora’s belongings in Wyatt’s room.
5. Run- As soon as he heard the yell he was on his feet, running to protect his headcase.

6. Hurricane- DG had introduced them to a drink from her world called the Hurricane and Cain found out Glitch was even more adorable drunk.

7. Wings- Cain really didn’t mind Glitch’s new wings because the fact was he found them really sexy.

8. Cold- Even when he was sick and running a fever Cain could still glare as Glitch mother henned him and tried to give him some medicine.

9. Red- He screamed for Raw, for DG, for anyone, as Cain’s shirt bled from white to red.

10. Drink- Jeb remembers seeing his father drink heavily on two occasions, his mother’s birthday and the day after he failed to save his beloved advisor.

11. Midnight- Midnight was the time that Cain would sneak into the lab and just watch Glitch work.

12. Temptation- Working so close together was a temptation they were constantly fighting.

13. View-There was only one problem with Cain’s new office, it blocked his view of Glitch’s lab.

14. Music-Some days Cain really wished he could hear whatever music was going through Glitch’s head.

15. Silk-It might be wild looking, but Glitch’s hair was soft as silk.

16. Cover-Some days they just pulled the covers over themselves and stayed in bed.

17. Promise-No matter what happened he always kept his promise to come back.

18. Dream- She still visited him in his dreams, but the pain he felt with her visits lessened the longer his relationship with Glitch continued.

19. Talent- He was really impressed with the rest of Glitch’s fighting and other skills.

20. Candle- Cain sighed to himself as he put out the candle and started to put the papers that scattered over the table away while his favorite headcase slept.

21. Silence- The silence was killing them but neither one of them was willing to back down just yet.

22. Journey- It wasn’t easy, but neither one of them would really change how they had ended up together.

23. Fire- After the third fire Cain was banned from the kitchen.

24. Strength- He did not work this hard and this long on this relationship to give up on the Tin Man now.

25. Mask- You had to look closely to be able to see the cracks in Cain’s mask, and it made Glitch want to pry at them and break the mask.

26. Ice- He watched over Cain after he pulled him from the ice, marveling at how young he looked when he was asleep.

27. Fall- It hits him suddenly one night just how hard and fast he has fallen in love with Glitch.

28. Forgotten- Glitch wanted to make sure Adora wasn’t forgotten, even going so far as having a portrait of her painted to hang in the castle.

29. Dance- He never danced, but then again he could never say no to Glitch either; so he danced.

30. Body- He hated his body, but for some reason Cain loved it, almost worshiped it.

31. Sacred- There was one thing Glitch knew not to ask Cain, and that was why he still had his wedding band from Adora.

32. Farewells- He stood in front of the grave marker, saying good bye to the second person he had fully loved.

33. World- At that moment, the world consisted of only the two of them.

34. Formal- He didn’t know why Glitch didn’t believe him when he said he didn’t have anything formal.

35. Fever- After the surgery Glitch developed a fever, and Cain threatened to kill the royal doctor if he didn’t fix him.

36. Laugh- Cain didn’t laugh often, that’s why when he did Glitch just closed his eyes and basked in the sound.

37. Lies- His heart told him that Cain really did love him, but his newly re-joined brain told him it was just a lie.

38. Forever- Cain knew better than to promise forever, but he could promise for as long as he still breathed.

39. Overwhelmed- Whenever the memories overwhelmed him, Cain was always there to help bring him back and calm him down.

40. Whisper- No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t fully chase away the whispers in his head that told him he was only second place in Cain’s heart.

41. Wait- They decided to wait until Jeb had warmed up to their relationship before they moved into the same room.

42. Talk- They really didn’t talk much when they were together, they didn’t have to.

43. Search- Cain couldn’t help but chuckle as Glitch frantically tore the room apart looking for something.

44. Hope- He never gave up hope that Cain would always come home.

45. Eclipse- As they watched the eclipse with DG and her family, they both knew (knew what?)

46. Gravity- No matter how hard he tried, he always found himself at Glitch’s side.

47. Highway- Jeb only raised an eyebrow as his father tried to blame his trip with the advisor lasting three extra days on the road.

48. Unknown- He didn’t know who took him, but Cain wasn’t going to rest until he got his headcase back.

49. Lock- After all that time Cain spent in the iron suit, they didn’t have locks in their room.

50. Breathe- When the light started to fade from Cain’s eyes, Glitch forgot how to breathe.

tin man, !set gamma

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