Cyborg 009 - 003x009

Sep 23, 2010 23:34

Fandom: Cyborg 009
Pairing: 003x009
Theme set: Alpha
Title: Testing the Waters
Rating: PG, maybe PG-12?
Warning[s]: Vague references, but nothing real specific.
Notes: Not the best grouping I'll turn out, the others will have more effort in them. This is just to see if they'll play nice with me.

1. Comfort
It was oddly comforting having a girl on the team, as though one girl could somehow make this an adventure instead of what it really was.

2. Kiss
Francoise remembered the first time she’d kissed Joe - he’d been out cold from his latest injury, and she wasn’t one to miss an opportunity.

3. Soft
Joe was almost certain Francoise had the softest hair on the planet, but then he didn’t really go around touching other people’s to be sure; Jet said he’d get funny looks.

4. Pain
009 was sure someone had told him a woman’s touch could take away pain, but he still thought some morphine wouldn’t hurt.

5. Potatoes
It just wasn’t fair, that something as funny as Jet’s face when Joe said he’d never had a potato, should only get to be viewed by her.

6. Rain
Francoise didn’t mind the rain, but she tried to stay inside when the weather turned foul, because Joe thought it was the worst thing on Earth.

7. Chocolate
He settled for flowers for her birthday, because no one had warned him there existed so many kinds of chocolate.

8. Happiness
‘Anyone and anything at all, that’s loved by you;’ yeah, he thought, that sounded about right.

9. Telephone
She knew she was old the day he brought home a cell phone that was smaller than her hand and didn’t have any wires she could see.

10. Ears
He thought it was a shame that Francoise didn’t have pierced ears, and not just because it meant his best gift idea was useless.

11. Name
If Francoise didn’t remember the name of that tune soon, Joe wasn’t sure he’d still be sane.

12. Sensual
Music, food, dance - all sensual; Joe - not so much.

13. Death
He was glad they might have forever, it just creeped him out since it meant they were technically dead.

14. Sex
Joe laughed at Francoise’s reaction to the form’s choice of words, marking ‘female’ so her gaping didn’t hold up the line.

15. Touch
Francoise was mad again, and all because she didn’t understand that guys would always view nice girls as breakable if touched.

16. Weakness
No matter what 004 told him, Joe was pretty sure love counted as a weakness in this life.

17. Tears
It almost made the whole day bearable when 009 started worrying because he thought she was upset, even though the tears were due to yet another glitch.

18. Speed
“Joseph, this is not your race track, go the speed limit!”

19. Wind
Francoise never complained about the wind messing with her hair, because Joe sometimes felt like the wind when he ran past - a touch of normalcy in the horrible battles.

20. Freedom
Sometimes Joe missed living on the streets - there was a kind of freedom there that playing the hero didn’t have.

21. Life
With Black Ghost gone, they could have whatever kind of life they wanted, but she wasn’t sure he could live any other kind now.

22. Jealousy
He knew it was strange to be jealous of clothes, but sometimes he wondered if maybe she didn’t love them a little bit more than him.

23. Hands
She thought it funny that they had the same size hands; he just liked that she’d play with his when checking.

24. Taste
“Great, so I can break the sound barrier, but I can’t taste anything anymore!”

25. Devotion
He put a great deal of devotion into everything he did; she just wished he’d use a little of it on her.

26. Forever
They’d said forever, and not three days later Black Ghost’s “alterations” had failed.

27. Blood
“It doesn’t freak you out, that I don’t bleed?”

28. Sickness
The worst part about being sick, Joe decided, wasn’t the sneezing so much as sneezing hard enough to make his jaw snap and trigger his acceleration mode - moving faster than your snot was not cool.

29. Melody
“Francoise, can you sing something - I’ve got this stupid tune stuck in my head again!”

30. Star
Through her tears, through the shock, she had to admit it was almost beautiful, like watching a falling star.

31. Home
They’d been free of Black Ghost for decades now, even the aliens had left, but Paris still didn’t feel like home to Joe, no matter how much he might love her.

32. Confusion
“What’s the point of this game?”

33. Fear
As the years crept by, Joe became quieter and quieter; not because there was anything wrong, but because it seemed like technology never lasted, and some of their team was getting on in years - he just wasn’t sure he could lose her, not now, not like that.

34. Lighting/Thunder
Jet was laughing at the television again, some episode that reminded him of fighting 0010 - Joe stood in the doorway and tried not to hit him, because these cartoon brothers got to walk away from their fight, and the 0010 twins hadn’t been so lucky.

35. Bonds
Sometimes he was jealous of Francoise, because try as they might, the rest of the team just wasn’t as close as the original four.

36. Market
He would have punched 006, pacifist though he was, but 003 had agreed to wear the dress, and that made everything worth it.

37. Technology
Sometimes Francoise would flinch when she looked at her teammates; they all acted so human, but having x-ray vision made it hard to believe.

38. Gift
Their child really was a gift, left on their doorway because someone thought their house looked like a church.

39. Smile
“You shouldn’t be so scared of Albert, you know,” Francoise scolded softly, “he does know how to smile.

40. Innocence
It bothered her, that Joe wasn’t as innocent as he looked.

41. Completion
All cyborgs are now complete - moving newest subject to testing area.

42. Clouds
006 couldn’t understand why everyone was laughing at his soup - chicken fat always came to the top of the broth, not his fault it looked like clouds.

43. Sky
Sometimes she’d catch Joe watching their friend soar above the ground, almost as though he wished he was up there, too.

44. Heaven
“You know I’d move Heaven and Earth to keep you safe, don’t you?”

45. Hell
As they fell, Joe decided Hell wasn’t the feeling of flesh burning off you thousands of feet above the Earth with your best friend suffering too - it was knowing the person you loved had to watch, and even if they couldn’t see the details, know you weren’t coming back.

46. Sun
They all hated being cyborgs, they really did, but it was nice not to have to worry about getting sunburned anymore.

47. Moon
Recuperating on the Dolphin, Joe decided he’d ask Jet, if the man ever woke up, if he thought he could make it to the Moon.

48. Waves
Francoise hated curling her hair, so Joe never told her he liked the waves it caused.

49. Hair
“You know Joe, you could cut your hair, get it out of your face just a little.”

50. Supernova
Watching the space station blow was like watching a supernova up close - but Francoise was sure supernovas were to be enjoyed with your lover, not mourned by a friend.

cyborg 009, !set alpha

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