(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 15:59

Fandom: Yami no Matsuei
Pairing: Tatsumi Seiichiro x Tsuzuki Asato
Theme set: Delta
Rating: PG
Notes: This is based on the anime and what I've picked up from articles and other fanfiction -- I have yet to read the manga. :(

#01 - Air

Tatsumi followed Tsuzuki outside, into the fresh air, but he couldn't find anything to say, even when Tsuzuki turned to him and threw himself into his arms; all he could do was hold him tight and wish that Tsuzuki wouldn't take things to heart so much.

#02 - Apples

He'd once asked why Tsuzuki never ate anything healthy -- apples, for example -- and Tsuzuki had just smiled, speaking as if the answer was obvious -- "sometimes apples taste sour".

#03 - Beginning

When he first met Tsuzuki, he'd wanted their partnership to last forever; sometimes, now, he wanted to go back to that moment.

#04 - Bugs

He'd never understood why Tatsumi, master of shadows and a perfect poker-face, was scared (or not scared, just... put off by) bugs, but he was only too happy to get rid of them (service with an exceptionally big smile).

#05 - Coffee

Tatsumi smiled whenever Tsuzuki brought him coffee, but didn't dare to say anything but 'thanks'.

#06 - Dark

Tatsumi hated the way Tsuzuki fell apart at night, but leaving the light on wasn't an option -- it wasted electricity and therefore money -- and he had no idea how to comfort Tsuzuki.

#07 - Despair

Tsuzuki had known too much despair in his life, and though Tatsumi knew it and hated it, he didn't know what he could possibly do about it -- except let Hisoka, who seemed to have a better idea, take care of him; so he drew back to let it happen.

#08 - Doors

For a moment, he paused outside thinking of how much Kazutaka Muraki had hurt Tsuzuki, and he let the need for vengeance in; he would protect Tsuzuki to the best of his ability.

#09 - Drink

Sometimes, after talking with Tsuzuki, what Tatsumi really wanted was a good stiff drink to help straighten out his head.

#10 - Duty

Tatsumi wanted to run away, Tsuzuki's crying waking up a painful shadow in his heart and also creating a new ache there, but it was his duty to stay, and try to help his partner, so he did, for as long as he could bear it.

#11 - Earth

There was no place on earth where either of them fitted perfectly -- and only at work did Tatsumi feel comfortable -- and Tsuzuki didn't seem to belong anywhere.

#12 - End

Tatsumi didn't want to be the one to tell Tsuzuki that he couldn't be his partner any longer, and for a while, he couldn't even meet Tsuzuki's eyes, he was so afraid of seeing accusation there.

#13 - Fall

He wasn't afraid of anything, now he was dead, nothing could break him -- except one thing, love; so when it got hold of him, he was afraid, and he ran away from it; falling in love was something he was convinced he shouldn't do.

#14 - Fire

Tsuzuki had summoned Suzaku, he stood with fire all around him and Tatsumi almost couldn't breathe; he looked beautiful.

#15 - Flexible

Tatsumi was inflexible when it came to money and yet; and yet one pleading look from purple eyes made him flexible, though he tried to hide it.

#16 - Flying

The thing Tsuzuki liked most was being able to float, like a bird, high above cities, looking down at the world -- Tatsumi always went with him, but his eyes were never on the city so far below.

#17 - Food

Tatsumi hated the way Tsuzuki would eat and eat, he knew that he was probably trying to fill a void inside him, but food wouldn't fill that void -- Tatsumi knew that from his own experience.

#18 - Foot

Tsuzuki found that his greatest talent was putting his foot in his mouth -- "Hey Tatsumi, why are you staring at me?" -- and making people feel horribly uncomfortable.

#19 - Grave

Smetimes, Tatsumi would think about the way Tsuzuki had longed to die, imagined how he had longed to lie dead in a grave like a human -- but those thoughts hurt too much to think about for long.

#20 - Green

He hated himself for the jealousy he felt when he saw Hisoka so close to Tsuzuki -- he felt green, green with envy.

#21 - Head

Tatsumi ran his fingers through Tsuzuki's hair, feeling the weight of his head in his lap, and the weight of Tsuzuki's guilt weighing on his own heart.

#22 - Hollow

Tsuzuki knew that Tatsumi sometimes found himself hollow, unable to comfort, empty of good feelings, but he knew it wasn't true.

#23 - Honor

Even though they weren't partners, not anymore, Tsuzuki had once asked Tatsumi to protect him, and although he'd forgotten, honour didn't allow Tatsumi to forget too.

#24 - Hope

It made Tatsumi so angry when Hisoka gave up on any hope he had for Tsuzuki, because he felt the exact same way, and hated it.

#25 - Light

When Tsuzuki woke from a nightmare, Tatsumi wished he could turn the light on and comfort him -- but he just didn't know how to.

#26 - Lost

Tatsumi found and picked up Tsuzuki's watch, before he even knew it was lost -- as he strapped it back onto Tsuzuki's wrist for him, he almost caught his breath at the mess of scars there.

#27 - Metal

"Do you like gold, Tatsumi?" Tsuzuki had once asked, and he hadn't answered, because it was one of those completely pointless questions he seemed to love asking.

#28 - New

He was afraid that, like Hisoka said, Tsuzuki would have changed, that he wouldn't remember them all -- but the only new thing was the smile he wore while sleeping, when before he had cried.

#29 - Old

The old partnership was, of course, long over, but he still felt his heart jump when Tsuzuki smiled, and when he was sad.

#30 - Peace

Tsuzuki and Hisoka looked peaceful, so Tatsumi left them there, but the feeling in his heart was anything but.

#31 - Poison

It felt like a poison, slipping through his veins, enchanting and painful, but if it was, Tatsumi didn't mind -- love seemed important to Tsuzuki, so he thought he might as well give into it.

#32 - Pretty

"This area looks so pretty," Tsuzuki said, and Tatsumi had to agree, though he had never thought that value very important until Tsuzuki said it in that breathless, rapt way he had of speaking when he was really impressed.

#33 - Rain

Rain washed away the blood, and Tatsumi watched it, wishing the rain could do the same for the guilt he knew his partner would keep on feeling, even if it wasn't his fault, couldn't be his fault.

#34 - Regret

As Tatsumi held their souls there, he prayed, cast out his thoughts to whoever was listening, begging that this could be the first thing he did to or for Tsuzuki that he would have to regret so much later.

#35 - Roses

Muraki persisted in giving roses to Tsuzuk, Tatsumi had nothing to give him but tea and the time under the falling cherry blossoms; he thought Tsuzuki might prefer that better than red (blood stained) roses.

#36 - Secret

"Are you keeping secrets from me?" Tsuzuki asked, once, and Tatsumi lied, all the while thinking of how soon he would no longer have to deal with the impossible man, and hoping that Tsuzuki's next partner would be better for him.

#37 - Snakes

Snakes were sly, Tsuzuki thought, they wriggled up and surprised their prey... be snakelike, he told himself and then, wriggling just a little more, pounced on his prey -- "Tatsumi!" -- who turned out to not really be amused by Tsuzuki's winning impression of a boa constrictor.

#38 - Snow

"It's snowing," Tatsumi said, surprised, and Tsuzuki went to the window to watch it, moving close to Tatsumi and not letting him leave, cuddling close to him in fact -- 'for warmth', as he claimed, but it was warm inside.

#39 - Solid

Tstzuki was glad of Tatsumi; in a confusing world he was always there; solid and reliable.

#40 - Spring

Spring time came in Nagasaki, and with it, Tsuzuki's spirits picked up -- something which Tatsumi was pleased about because above all things, he didn't know how to deal with a Tsuzuki who just couldn't smile.

#41 - Stable

"Some people say that their god was born in a stable and that he was a king -- isn't that silly?" Tsuzuki asked, genuinely curious, and Tatsumi decided that he really didn't feel like trying to explain the Nativity that day.

#42 - Strange

Tsuzuki's eyes were a strange colour, Tatsumi knew, but attractive nonetheless; a heart could get caught like a fish on a hook by those eyes.

#43 - Summer

Summer and Hisoka brought the brightest smiles of all to Tsuzuki's face, and, watching from afar, Tatsumi was glad.

#44 - Taboo

Technically, Tsuzuki and Hisoka's relationship was frowned upon -- almost a taboo -- among the guardians of death, but since Tatsumi loved Tsuzuki too, he found he pretty much had to look the other way.

#45 - Ugly

Tsuzuki thought his scars ugly, it was plain, and yet it wasn't them that made it difficult for Tatsumi to love Tsuzuki in the way he wanted to -- it was everything, it was his dark past, his unnatural eyes, his natural childlike manner, unconditional trust given to the undeserving, making Tatsumi want to push him away instead.

#46 - War

There were things at war in Tsuzuki's head that Tatsumi feared and didn't want to understand; that was why the partnership really failed.

#47 - Water

Tears were just drops of salt water, but to see Tsuzuki cry them meant so much more than that that it actually hurt.

#48 - Welcome

"You're always welcome with me," Tatsumi told him, but he knew that now Hisoka had Tsuzuki, Tsuzuki wouldn't need him.

#49 - Winter

Tsuzuki liked winter for the snow, Tatsumi hated it for the cold that crept between them.

#50 - Wood

Tatsumi liked the woods, the trees, the quietly falling leaves; he was surprised, but pleased, when Tsuzuki seemed to share that love.

!set delta, yami no matsuei

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