Original - Julian/Stuart - Set Alpha (mostly platonic)

Dec 01, 2009 07:42

Fandom: Original (Navigator)
Pairing: Julian Jet x Stuart Mallory
Theme set: Alpha
Title: Julian's POV
Rating: PG
Warning[s]: Some slashy thoughts.
Notes: As suggested by the boring title all the sentences come from Julian's POV of this relationship.
Navigator is my very self-indulgent sci-fi story. Julian is a (genetically engineered, socially awkward) doctor and Stuart is a (good-natured, idealistic) priest.

1: He gently placed his hand on my shoulder and then started to draw it away, afraid that I would glare or shake him off, but this time I shook my head to stop him.

2: I welcomed the touch of his lips to my the back of my hand, but it was all the contact I could handle.

3: My hair was silky and sleek, but his was soft and almost fuzzy, reminding me of cat or a hamster.

4: When I felt pain over Stuart, what he said or didn't say, when he left or didn't leave, it was the first time I had felt pain over another human being.

5: "Potatoes are okay," I answered neutrally, "Because they're mild."

6: "I don't miss the rain at all," I disagreed, "I think it's wonderful that there's no weather in space."

7: I saw him eyeing the chocolate bar in my hand and shot back a cold, "Don't even think about it," glare.

8: He made me happy, but I wouldn't say so with words.

9: "Stuart and Julian! The comm. channel is not for personal calls!" Lt. Orgella scolded us, interrupting our conversation mid-sentence.

10: When we were out in the galley surrounded by other members of the crew I always leaned close to his ear so I could whisper all my words to him alone.

11: "Julian," he said, like he had such the beginning, calling me my name and making it suddenly mean something.

12: I felt uncomfortable when he rubbed my shoulders, my feelings stirred in strange directions I did not desire to go.

13: I didn't care what Stuart said about it, meeting him made me afraid of death in ways I had never before imagined.

14: Bodies, touching, intimacy, they were all things that made me feel wrong and comfortable and so I worked to avoid them, even where Stuart was involved, even after many months of what might be called friendship.

15: One day, one a strange whim, I was the one to touch him.

16: Between us both our weaknesses numbered a thousand, but our strengths were a thousand and one.

17: He cried when he was happy, and I shrugged and allowed him the indulgence.

18: "Wouldn't it be exciting for the ship to fly at full speed someday?" he had wondered and I hadn't had the heart to point out to him that for that to happen we would probably have to be in terrible danger.

19: I had never seen a natural wind in his hair, only the artificial breeze of the climate control.

20: He said he was making me free to become myself.

21: It seemed to me, that based on Stuart's comments, life itself was a sacrament.

22: He spent plenty of time with Yu and May and Marta and the others because he was kind and chatty and it was his job to do so, but I never felt a single pinch of jealousy.

23: My hands were long, cold, and thin, his were squarer, shorter, with warm, stubby fingers.

24: He didn't understand my taste for all things Japanese, but he didn't question it either, for which I silently thanked him.

25: Even if he changed me and I came to appreciate the company of other people, there would still be only one person who truly meant the universe to me.

26: I couldn't say to him we'd be together until death because he believed we'd stay together after too.

27: When Stuart accidentally found the extra blood stored in a refrigerated cupboard in case a transfusion was needed, his face turned a little pale and he slowly closed the door.

28: I didn't like it when he was sick, but frequently it wasn't often after the occasion that first brought him to me.

29: Neither of us had much of an ear for music, but the melody of a simple old Beatles song something that could make both of us smile at little.

30: Being surrounded by stars might seem sort of romantic, but it was really just a matter-of-fact boring backdrop for the two of us and we thought nothing of it.

31: Navigator was the only home I'd ever had.

32: What were these feelings that twisted my stomach into knots and followed me into my dreams?

33: "I'm afraid of losing you," he told me, "Of losing you as a result of my own stupidity or bossiness."

34: Stuart's anger was like thunder, mine was like lightning- thunder never having hurt anybody.

35: Apparently some people among the crew began to make fun of me a bit for never being seen out of the infirmary more than a yard away from Stuart's side, but I could care less what they thought, particularly as this assessment was accurate.

36: He liked to window-shop and always tried to drag me down to the planets with him.

37: No matter how I explained to him my system of cataloguing our medical supply, he never could grasp it, having a ridiculously bad handle on technology for someone serving on a state of the art spacecraft.

38: He gave me hope, and no matter what he said about, "seeing the face of God," in me, I always felt like I hadn't managed to give him anything in return.

39: So I tried to give him a smile from time to time.

40: He was innocent of the horrors some renegades propagated in the name of science, and I wanted to keep him that way.

41: To Stuart, I was a puzzle that would never be completed.

42: He liked the clouds on Earth, that drifted, white and thin, to block the sun; I liked the clouds on Le'Lingwa, that choked and misted blue across the sky.

43: He was always making his own small area of blue sky, a virtual halo around his tousled hair.

44: Stuart knew life could be difficult, but he believed if we kept working at it, when our lives were over we would be given the reward we deserved.

45: I didn't believe in heaven on earth, but hell was another story completely.

46: When he smiled, his face glowed and he radiated compassion out to me like a gentle sun.

47: If he was the sun, I was the moon, only managing to palely reflect his golden glow.

48: The ripples we made were with our words were our main way of touching one another.

49: He told me that girls on the ship liked my hair, but I didn't believe him until one day Amber and Brenna complimented me on it.

50. For Stuart, I blew my past life to bits, ready to step forward embracing a new and beautiful (oh, how I hoped) future.

original, !set alpha

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