X-Men, Deadpool/Rogue, Epsilon

Jul 11, 2009 19:51

Fandom: X-Men Movieverse
Pairing: Wade Wilson (Deadpool) x Marie (Rogue)
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: R
Warning[s]: AU to the nth degree. Mashing X1, comics, and Origins into something weird.

Disclaimer: I do not own, and it is better that way. Because I don't want responsibility for it.
Notes: Originally it was only supposed to be fifty sentences for both of them, but they both got mouthy and I needed to pick up another theme for Deadpool. So, have some more sentences.


#01 - Motion

The trick to deflecting bullets is practice, lots and lots of practice, and maybe a good doctor or two.

#02 - Cool

Cool: adjective; 1. Wade Wilson (see picture).

#03 - Young

Wade doesn't remember being as young as Rogue, no, seriously, he literally doesn't remember anything before the age of 22.

#04 - Last

It's been years since he last had someone regularly stare at him with that funny little look people get when they really don't know what the heck is going on.

#05 - Wrong

The roses had been planted while he was gone, and he would've gotten rid of them himself if he hadn't seen the new and improved pots Rogue had made.

#06 - Gentle

It was amazing how many guys were a sucker for a cute kid like Rogue, and the looks on their faces when she sucker punched them were awesome.

#07 - One

The new merc down the bar kinda reminded him of Zero but with a bigger stick up his ass, but what were the odds of that being possible?

#08 - Thousand

Crap, he really hated his luck.

#09 - King

Wade tackles her ignoring her screams and punches --which actually kind of hurt now that she's putting on muscle-- and grabs the remote saving them from the horror that is youthful ignorance and MTV, "I'm king of the remote!"

#10 - Learn

Some deeply buried maternal clock must have been started by the bullet she put in his head, it's the only reason he can think of to explain why the hell he's teaching her everything he knows.

#11 - Blur

The eye lasers are always cool, but, after that thing with the acid, using them hurts and makes everything look blurry for an hour afterward.

#12 - Wait

Wade screamed as the tv turned black, an ominous TBC flashing across it, "But I want to know now!"

#13 - Change

The biggest difference he'd noticed in his life was that he now spent significantly less time bleeding out on the floor after missions.

#14 - Command

Deadpool only thinks about the old team on missions, they aren't the happiest of memories and he likes to have things he can kill on hand afterward.

#15 - Hold

As far as powers-that-suck go Rogue is barely ahead of that guy who could turn things into polyester.

#16 - Need

Just because he needs therapy doesn't mean he'll actually go out and get it.

#17 - Vision

It takes a full day for his eyes to fully heal --acid is a real bitch-- in that time he gets pretty good at tracking the brat down just by the sound of her laughter.

#18 - Attention

It kinda sucks having a roomie, he's never going to live down the shower incident, but it's kinda nice to have an audience around to hear his best jokes.

#19 - Soul

Rogue was suffering from an acute lack of soul which no amount of forced Soul Train viewing was fixing.

#20 - Picture

He's holding her gloves hostage until she coughs up the negatives from when she'd used his temporary blindness to put him in a bonnet and cover him with glittery Hello Kitty stickers.

#21 - Fool

Wade knows he's got no business keeping the kid around --you can't get any more fucked up than he is-- but the girl can walk away anytime she wants so he can't really be that responsible for it.

#22 - Mad

"As a fox," he says, or tries to say around the arm he's biting it comes out too muffled to make sense really, and it's funny as hell up until she twists and bites him back!

#23 - Child

Despite what that restraining order from the Olson twins might imply, Wade doesn't do jailbait and he really resents Weasel's implications.

#24 - Now

He doesn't get how punching Weasel a few hours ago translates into him buying them all dinner now though.

#25 - Shadow

He was a badass ninja, using the shadows to hide his movements; he absolutely wasn't hiding under the stairs because he'd accidentally kinda ate the last bucket(or two, okay, three!) of ice cream.

#26 - Goodbye

Xavier contacted him, and he almost didn't hear the guy through all the other voices in his head, and the offer sounds pretty good for Rogue he just hasn't told her about it yet.

#27 - Hide

Wade wasn't keeping the kid a secret, it just didn't occur to him to tell anyone (living) about her until Weasel started choking on air; ok, he totally was but that was just for the sake of his badass rep, and maybe because he really wanted to see the faces on people when he introduced them to Wadette.

#28 - Fortune

He stole a crystal ball from some gypsy woman a few years back --got a lot of curses about interesting lives thrown at him for it-- but the damn thing only showed him re-runs of Alf.

#29 - Safe

He looses time now and then --really, he doesn't know where or how it went away-- and when he "wakes up" over a dead stranger or two he almost wants to thank that psychopath people call god that he never looses time at home.

#30 - Ghost

For three days he watched as she wandered the house seeing and hearing things --people-- that were only in her head, even after she started seeing the world again it still looked like she was caught up in her own head a little bit.

#31 - Book

"Mock all you want," Wade says, putting the book back up in it's place of honor above the tv, "but when the zombie apocalypse comes we'll see who has the last laugh!"

#32 - Eye

Rogue had a good eye for shooting, but it didn't take him long to see she was really picking up the hand-to-hand kick-ass skills.

#33 - Never

There's some things that Wade just doesn't think about; where his dog tags are and how close seventeen is to legal are just two of them.

#34 - Sing

He deserved a Grammy for his performances no matter what anyone else might say or throw at him to make him shut up.

#35 - Sudden

Wade hadn't planned on having kids --ever-- so it took him a while to child-proof the house; unfortunately, the kid wasn't phased by it in the least, and now he can't even open his own cabinets.

#36 - Stop

Junior got him called several impolite names; Wadette almost cost him a couple extremities; Wade was about to suggest Wadette Wilson Jr. when the girl broke down and told him her name.

#37 - Time

Once upon a time there was a girl named Marie- Ow, okay, okay, her name was Rogue(stop hitting me)!

#38 - Wash

His house was spotless, his fridge filled with veggies, his bathroom cluttered with girl stuff, and his yard was blooming with roses; he'd put up with a lot in the past few months, but this was it, he drew the line at having his clothes smell like lilacs!

#39 - Torn

The girl was evil, no doubt about it, she'd left the brownies --so warm and gooey looking!-- just out of his reach, he'd have to give up the best spot on the couch to get one and he just knew she'd steal it the second he moved.

#40 - History

It was amazing how much they weren't teaching kids in school these days, Vietnam was only a couple decades back and the kid didn't know squat about it!

#41 - Power

It was a horrible day when she learned of his debilitating weakness for jelly filled donuts, one that he just knew she'd use against him.

#42 - Bother

He was on to her little tricks, Rogue only became sweet and nice when she was about to ask him for something that was guaranteed to end in a massive firefight.

#43 - God

Wade wished he could be even half as psycho as that guy, and how cool would it be to have the universe as a toy!?

#44 - Wall

Breaking it isn't as easy as he makes it look, he tells the kid often, any average crazy can talk to people not there but it takes a special kind of crazy to talk to or about the readers.

#45 - Naked

Wade tries his best to forget that the girl has seen him buck naked on more than one occasion, because that's just all sorts of creepy and wrong.

#46 - Drive

Rogue wrecks four cars before she finally gets the hang of a stick shift, Wade writes thank you notes to the owners on the broken windshields.

#47 - Harm

Wade finds out why people put those lame stickers about their kids on cars the day Rogue comes home with the cash wad of some low-life she'd broken for trying to touch her.

#48 - Precious

An unexplained fire accidentally destroyed all of his Golden Girls DVDs; Wade didn't see Rogue until after the express delivery from Amazon brought him a new set.

#49 - Hunger

"Braaaaiiiinzzzzz," Rogue smacked him before he could attempt to gnaw on her head.

#50 - Believe

He's not a good guy by any definition of the word, bad for business you know, but he finds himself trying anyway because Rogue seems to think he is one anyway.


!set epsilon, x-men

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