The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper/Penny, Beta

Jul 10, 2009 13:58

Title: Those Little Moments
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Pairing: Sheldon Cooper/Penny
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG-R
Warnings: slight mentions of sex, severe raping of punctuation, and fluff.
Notes: God, this was a lot harder than anticipated! :D
Still, hope you all enjoy!

#01 Walking
Sheldon looked at Penny, a little surprised (but not wholly unpleased) as her fingers linked with his as they walked.

#02 Waltz
“Penny, I would highly suggest seeing an otologist, as you seem to have a hard time hearing, or have not correctly heard me say, that I do not dance.”

#03 Wishes
Penny tightly squeezed her eyes shut as she flipped the coin into the fountain and whispered his name aloud.

#04 Wonder
Penny’s heart kept hammering in her chest, thudding loudly in her ears, as Sheldon kept looking at her in that way.

#05 Worry
Sheldon’s mouth was tentative as it moved on hers (so, so careful) but he titled his head to one side, curious to see what would happen if he deepened the contact just so.

#06 Whimsy
Queen Penelope slaughtered the mighty dragon with one strong stroke from her enchanted sword and then eyed Sheldor the Conqueror dryly, “Now can we go to bed?”

#07 Waste/Wasteland
Their clothes were scattered everywhere and for once Sheldon didn’t have the gnawing desire to clean up.

#08 Whiskey and rum
Sheldon didn’t care for the taste of alcohol but the faint taste of it on Penny’s lips was intriguing.

#09 War
Sheldon hated to concede that, more often times than not, he was the Klingon to her Federation.

#10 Weddings
“Well, I don’t know about you, the newly christened Mrs. Penny Cooper, but I, the still reigning Mr. Sheldon Cooper, am glad that whole affair is over.”

#11 Birthday
Unsurprisingly, he tasted like the ice cream cake she had bought him, which, she was sure by now was melting, but as his lips moved on hers she couldn’t find the heart to care.

#12 Blessing
“I…don’t think Leonard is going to approve,” Sheldon muttered against Penny’s lips before he gave in and kissed her again.

#13 Bias
“Well, Sheldon, of course, you’d take her side, she’s your girlfriend now,” Leonard whined as he waved at Penny.

#14 Burning
His hands fluttered over her skin, as if scared of catching flame from even the slightest of touches.

#15 Breathing
“Sheldon, honey, it-it was just a kiss, okay, so…you need to breathe!”

#16 Breaking
Sheldon couldn’t seem to stop shaking as Penny’s hands ran all over his bare skin and he seriously considered the possibility that he might somehow fall apart.

#17 Belief
“Penny, if you keep doing that, I am quite certain that, should I take the test to measure my sanity again, I will fail.”

#18 Balloon
Sheldon didn’t understand why everyone was laughing as Penny pummeled Howard for his latest innuendo, but he was mildly certain it had something to do with her breasts.

#19 Balcony
Neither of them would have thought of him as the Romeo type, but if there was one thing both of them were learning, it was that the universe was still full of surprises.

#20 Bane
Leonard was Sheldon’s best friend but when he got in the way of Sheldon spending some ‘alone’ time with Penny, he was the bane of his existence.

#21 Quiet
Penny had finally found a way to get Sheldon to shut his hole and all she had needed to do was kiss him back.

#22 Quirks
Sometimes she liked to throw out pop culture references just to see his face do that strange little twitch.

#23 Question
Penny looked at the ring, her eyes tearing up as she gave him a wobbly smile, “Sheldon…how can I say anything but yes?”

#24 Quarrel
Only one year married, and still, every fight culminated with her underwear hanging from a high place and one stern phone call from his mother.

#25 Quitting
“Oh come on Sheldon, don’t be dramatic, my bra isn’t that hard to unhook.”

#26 Jump
“Penny, I won’t…I can’t…never get this work done if you…keep…could you, please…look, your tongue is not supposed to be there!”

#27 Jester
“Sheldon, sweetie, I think you might actually have a problem with jealousy, because there is no way I am going to the Renaissance fair with you guys dressed like that.”

#28 Jousting
For someone who had (what she had thought to be) a limited history of kissing, Sheldon certainly knew how to use his tongue.

#29 Jewel
“Leonard, please, I can’t just get Penny ‘any ring’,” Sheldon muttered as he inspected another glass case.

#30 Just
“I suppose, Penny, considering the time we’ve spent together and the…physical intimacies recently involved…that that is a just analysis of our current relationship.”

#31 Smirk
Penny loved the whackadoodle, but sometimes she just wanted to slap that smug smirk right off his face.

# 32 Sorrow
“Penny, I have come to the conclusion that it was a mistake to watch this film on our date, as you persist with this…this crying…fiasco.”

#33 Stupidity
Penny shook her head, stunned at his inability to understand her feelings, “How can someone so smart be so dumb?”

#34 Serenade
“Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur,” Penny sang softly as she nuzzled that spot between his neck and his shoulder.

#35 Sarcasm
Not only had he missed the sarcasm completely, but the sign now rested limp in her fingers as he kissed her senseless.

#36 Sordid
Howard looked from Penny to Sheldon, still stunned from walking in on their heated embrace, and made a sort of gurgled sound.

#37 Soliloquy
“Penny, if I may, a soliloquy is a speech in which a character reveals his inner thoughts as if alone, so, as of right now, in order to express my thoughts to you, I must act as such, hence my not looking at you while I speak.”

#38 Sojourn
Sheldon’s hands were currently in her hair but Penny didn’t imagine the journey would end there.

#39 Share
As Penny settled on to his lap, Sheldon could easily say that one good thing that had come out of their dating was that they had now found a comfortable solution to the issue of his spot on the couch.

#40 Solidarity
Raj, Howard, and even Leonard, were uniform in their now, newly constructed belief, that they had to get Sheldon and Penny to resolve their issues, lest it tear their little group asunder.

#41 Nowhere
It had just been a simple Wednesday, a regular day of the week, nothing special, until Penny has kissed him out of nowhere.

#42 Neutral
Ever since Sheldon and Penny had started dating, Leonard had declared himself Switzerland, always wanting to stay out of their fights.

#43 Nuance
The way he said her name now had taken on a special sort of lilt that defined it separate from the way he said everyone else’ names.

#44 Near
Sheldon let out the breath he wasn’t aware that he had been holding as she came closer and closer, the tension in the room spiraling out of control.

#45 Natural
Sheldon rubbed the side of his face, still surprised that Penny had hit him, but coming to the conclusion that, perhaps, it had not been the wisest decision (nor the best time) on his part to ask her if blonde was her natural hair color.

#46 Horizon
Sheldon kissed the top of Penny’s head as they watched the sun set, their hands just as interlinked as their hearts.

#47 Valiant
“My hero,” Penny chuckled as Sheldon beat the last level of his game with a triumphant whoop and a quick kiss on her cheek.

#48 Virtuous
“Penny, please, I am averse enough on your hormonal chart to know, at this time of the month, that you can barely keep yourself in check, but I promised my mother at an early age that I would stay chaste until after I was married.”

#49 Victory
He gasped her name one last time before collapsing on top of her in the bed, his heart racing, mind a hazy blur.

#50 Defeat
Sheldon had never enjoyed losing, but he decided that if every future defeat he suffered at Penny’s hands had to end in a kiss, there could be worse consequences.

big bang theory, !set beta

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